HARRISBURG, PA – August 27, 2024 Today, Auditor General Tim DeFoor released the results of a performance audit of state contracts and oversight of Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs) used by Pennsylvania Department of Human Services’ (DHS) HealthChoices Medicaid Program.

In response to the findings and framing of this report, Senate Democratic Leader Jay Costa and Senator Art Haywood, Democratic chair of the Health and Human Services Committee, released the following statements:

“This performance audit offered an opportunity for the Auditor General to engage meaningfully in a conversation with the Department of Human Services about protecting patients, local pharmacies, and health practitioners across Pennsylvania,” said Senator Costa. “Instead, we received an audit that fails to capitalize on the work of the House and the Senate and misleads taxpayers regarding industry practices. I am deeply discouraged that we have not harnessed this moment to take on abuses of PBMs, and I certainly anticipate much more work in this space as we move forward to deliver quality, affordable healthcare to every Pennsylvanian.”

“I am very disappointed in the Auditor General. After the tremendous bipartisan legislation to address practices of PBMs that hurt pharmacies he has issued a false audit,” said Senator Art Haywood, Democratic chair of the Health and Human Services Committee. “Instead of auditing the federal and state definition of spread pricing, which we prohibit, he is auditing his own definition.  This is an unfortunate abuse of power and unacceptable.”

The Senate Democratic Policy Committee held a hearing about pharmacy deserts and PBMs in April 2024. Footage of the hearing and written testimony from speakers is accessible here.

Read more about the PA Senate Democrats’ commitment to quality, affordable healthcare for every Pennsylvanian here.
