Harrisburg – Sept. 24, 2014 – State Sen. Jay Costa (D-Allegheny) released the following the statement on the Senate’s passage of Senate Bill 1182, the Medical Cannabis Act.

Costa’s statement is as follows:

“Senate Bill 1182 opens the door to a new course of treatment for those suffering from serious medical conditions including seizure disorders and post traumatic stress disorder. This is a great step forward for Pennsylvania and creates a firm foundation to build on.

“This legislation is both reasonable and responsible and offers hope to those living with debilitating pain and life-threatening medical conditions. I have met with some of these families and listened to their stories. These individuals, particularly children and our veterans deserve the opportunity to have access to treatments that are proven to provide relief.

“The measure establishes a process that is tightly regulated from the beginning to the end and there are clear limitations on eligibility. Physicians must be consulted and it is up to the health care practitioner to determine whether a patient is qualified. Once the practitioner recommends the treatment, it must be approved by an independent board.

“I believe this measure is a balanced approach that will help people who are in dire need assistance while providing protection from abuse. I am hopeful that the state House of Representatives will act on this bill.”

The bill now moves to the Pa House of Representatives for consideration.


Contact: Stacey Witalec
Telephone: 717 877-2997
Email: switalec@pasenate.com