Senate Democrats Support Pres. Biden’s Call for State Gas Tax Holiday

Harrisburg, PA – June 22, 2022 – Today, Pennsylvania Senate Democrats held a press conference shortly after President Joe Biden made a call to federal and state law makers to pause gas taxes.  

“Our stance is simple; we are calling on state Republicans to join us in supporting a suspension to the state gas tax. We know there is concern about a loss of revenue while the pause is in place, but Pennsylvania has billions in surplus funds that can be used to maintain roads and bridges during the gas tax holiday,” said Senator Jay Costa, Senate Democratic Leader. “This is about putting people over corporate profit. We need to implement a gas tax holiday, use Pennsylvania’s budget surplus to ensure our roads and bridges still receive the funding they need, and hold the oil and gas industry accountable to pass the savings to consumers.”

Several Democratic Senators joined Sen. Costa, including Sen. Hughes, Sen. Boscola, Sen. Cappelletti, Sen. Flynn, Sen. Haywood, Sen. Santarsiero, Sen. Schwank, and Sen. Street. All expressing their support for President’s call to states to pause the gas tax and make sure those savings were felt by consumers and not absorbed by the oil and gas industry.

“We have the money to support a gas tax holiday. We can give hardworking families some relief at the gas pump and still make sure our roads and bridges receive funding,” said Senator Vincent Hughes. “And when we do this tax reduction, the oil and gas industry need to leave those savings for consumers. We’re stepping up. We’re responding to the President’s call. It’s time for state Republicans and the oil and gas industry to step up too.”

Senator Lisa Boscola and Senator Marty Flynn recently introduced bills that would temporarily pause the gas tax in Pennsylvania. A statewide gas tax holiday could amount to an average of thirty cents a gallon in savings to consumers.

“I applaud President Biden’s call for a gas tax holiday,” said Sen. Marty Flynn. “Right now, Pennsylvania families are paying triple the price for gas compared to what they paid last year. This is one of the most pressing issues for families, and we have money in the bank to help them. I’m done naming bridges, it’s time we do something for the people.”

“Gas tax relief is something we can do immediately in this inflation storm,” said Senator Lisa Boscola. “The billions in surplus we have is taxpayer money, and taxpayers deserve some of this money back. Combined with the federal plan, a state gas tax holiday would give real savings to families.”

Sen. Collett, Sen. Dillon, Sen. Fontana, Sen. Kearney, and Sen. Lindsey Williams also attended the press conference to show support for a proposed state gas tax holiday.

A full video of the press conference and remarks from all speakers from the Democratic Senate Caucus is available online.


Senate Democrats Call for Vote on PA Red Flag Law, GOP Votes No

Harrisburg, PA – June 13, 2022 – Today, Pennsylvania Senate Democrats made a motion for the Senate to vote on a Discharge Resolution that would move Senate Bill 134 out of committee and to the floor of the Senate for a full vote during session. State Senate Republicans blocked the Resolution with a unanimous no vote.

The Discharge Resolution was one of six that was filed by Senate Democrats last week in an effort to move legislation that would address loopholes and gaps that make it easy for irresponsible and at-risk individuals to obtain firearms.

If passed, SB 134 would establish an extreme risk protection order (ERPO), or red flag law, system in Pennsylvania. The system would give family members and law enforcement the ability to petition a court to temporarily suspend an individual’s access to firearms if there is documented evidence that an individual is a threatening harm to themselves or others. The bill was introduced by Senator Fontana and has been sitting in committee since January 2021.

“Over the weekend, a bipartisan group of US Senators showed it is possible to take a collaborative approach to addressing our country’s gun violence crisis. State Republicans had the opportunity to follow their example and work with Democrats to pass legislation that will make our communities safer. Unfortunately, they chose to continue to do nothing,” said Senator Jay Costa, Pennsylvania Senate Democratic Leader. “This is a measure that can help keep guns away from individuals who are a threat to the safety of others or themselves, yet it will remain stalled. As we just saw from DC, we should not be averse to working together to pass laws that can save lives.”

Currently, 19 states and the District of Columbia have extreme risk or red flag laws in place. In 54% of mass shooting cases, the shooter exhibits warning signs that they pose a risk. In 80% of suicides, the individual exhibits warning signs.

“For several sessions now, I have introduced Senate Bill 134, that would establish an extreme risk protection order in Pennsylvania,” said Senator Fontana. “It’s disappointing and disgusting that our elected officials have become a group of cowards that will not listen to their constituency, stand up for those we represent and demand meaningful reform.”

“Senate Democrats will continue to fight for common sense gun reform, despite the lack of support from our colleagues across the aisle,” said Senator Costa. “We will also continue our advocacy for investments in mental health care at the community level and in our schools as well as funding for evidence-based programs and organizations to address community violence, including hate crimes. These are all issues we can address now as we begin to discuss and negotiate next year’s budget.”

Senate Democrats have also filed discharge resolutions for the following bills supporting gun reform:


Senate Democratic Leader Jay Costa Statement on Proposed Federal Gun Reform Deal

 HARRISBURG – June 12, 2022 – Pennsylvania Senate Democratic Leader Jay Costa issued the following statement on today’s announcement on an agreement by the US Senate on a proposed deal to address gun violence:

“I am pleased that the United States Senate has reached a tentative deal on a proposed package to address the ongoing gun violence epidemic in our nation. Understanding it won’t be as multifaceted of an approach the US House of Representatives took last week, this is an important next step. I look forward to seeing the details of the agreement in writing.

As we all know, multiple solutions are needed to solve this problem. Part of that is passing common sense gun laws that don’t impede on Second Amendment rights but instead improve our systems to ensure only responsible gun owners have access to firearms. Senate Democrats have long advocated for the issues that are expected to be part of the federal plan – from the implementation of red flag laws and a more comprehensive background check system to increased mental health funding to provide greater access to services and improved school safety measures. 

Even with today’s breakthrough, more needs to be done. Our caucus is doing everything within our power on the state level to move forward legislation that would directly address gaps in our law that make guns accessible to individuals who are a threat to others or themselves, including filing discharge resolutions to force a vote on actual solutions. We continue to urge our Republican colleagues in the majority to get serious and work with us to get this under control. Protecting our communities, our neighbors and our children should not be a partisan issue.   

In addition to fighting for more secure gun legislation, Senate Democrats will also continue our advocacy for investments in access to mental health care at the community level and in our schools as well as funding for evidence-based programs and organizations to address community violence, including hate crimes. These are all issues we can address now, especially as part of our broader budget conversation. There is no time to wait.” 


Senate Democrats Statement on Gun Violence Discharge Resolutions

Harrisburg, PA – June 7, 2022 – Today, Pennsylvania Senate Democrats filed six discharge resolutions in an effort to move anti-gun violence and reform legislation to the floor of the State Senate for a vote. While Senate Republicans have moved bills that would make guns more accessible and make it harder for municipalities to address gun violence, bills from Senate Democrats that would strengthen gun safety in the Commonwealth have been stalled in committee.

Pennsylvania Senate Democratic Leader Jay Costa issued the following statement on the latest attempt from Senate Democrats to address the serious gun violence problem that exists in Pennsylvania and across the country:

“Every day we hear about more gun deaths – just this weekend there was a mass shooting on South Street in Philadelphia – yet the majority does nothing. Yes, multiple solutions are needed to solve the gun violence epidemic. Part of that is passing common sense gun laws that don’t impede on Second Amendment rights but improve our systems to ensure only responsible gun owners have access to firearms. We must protect our communities, and we must act now.

Our caucus has done everything within our power to move forward legislation that would directly address gaps in our law that make guns accessible to individuals who are a threat to others or themselves, yet the majority in Harrisburg hasn’t moved one single anti-gun violence bill out of committee. The six discharge resolutions give our Republican colleagues another opportunity to act in the best interest of their constituents and our Commonwealth.

It’s tragic and horrifying to think in the wake of multiple mass shootings across the country and the ongoing gun violence epidemic being felt in communities throughout Pennsylvania, that we’d continue to do nothing. It’s far past time we stop sending thoughts and prayers, and instead take action.”

The discharge resolutions were filed for the following bills:


Senate Democrats Call on Republicans to Immediately Prioritize Gun Violence Prevention Legislation and Appropriations

HARRISBURG – May 25, 2022 – Today, Pennsylvania Senate Democrats wrote the following letter to Republican leaders in response to rampant gun violence and mass shootings that have become too common in the United States. Just this year, 215 mass shootings have taken place in the country, with the devastating shooting that occurred at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas on May 24, 2022, being the 215th.

In the letter, the caucus calls on the Republican majority to act on “reasonable and responsible legislation and appropriations” that does not infringe on Second Amendment rights but will help keep guns away from bad actors and support gun violence prevention. Senate Democrats list seven bills that have been introduced to mitigate gun violence but have sat in committee with no discussion or votes. They also highlight how American Rescue Plan dollars and Pennsylvania’s current budget surplus can be used to help communities prevent horrific violence.

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Senate Democratic Leader Jay Costa Statement on Deadly School Shooting at Robb Elementary School

HARRISBURG – May 25, 2022 – Pennsylvania Senate Democratic Leader Jay Costa issued the following statement on the tragic mass shooting at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas:

“As we find our nation amid another senseless tragedy at the hands of gun violence, our hearts are broken as parents, siblings, families and friends suffer the unimaginable task of grieving the loss of 19 precious children. It is always difficult to say a premature goodbye to a loved one, but the circumstance that these families have been dealt is unfathomable to most of us.

My hope for the children who survived the shooting is that they may find peace and comfort someplace within the darkness of this gruesome act of violence to which no child should ever have to bear witness. Our youth should never have to endure the terror of watching a gunman invade the safe space of their school, witness the massacre of their classmates, and be burdened with this trauma.

We find ourselves in this endless cycle of watching in horror as mass shootings play out across our nation. To date, the total number of mass shootings in America during 2022 alone is 215.  It was just nine days ago that a grocery store in Buffalo was the 198th violent gun attack, followed by one of the most violence weekends throughout the country. And then life goes on without any action. The silence is deafening once more.

I am calling on my colleagues in the General Assembly to act. While I believe this issue is best addressed at the federal level to ensure uniformity from state to state, partisan deadlock in Washington always blocks deliberation. The US Senate’s failure to do their job and advance commonsense safety measures is why it’s upon us to do what’s right for the health, safety, and welfare of our citizens.

We are well past time for the Republican majority to come together with us. Even after this nightmare came to pass in our own backyard at the Tree of Life Synagogue, there were thoughts, but no progress. Prayers, but no action. 

For those who might predictably say that we are politicizing a tragedy – particularly fellow elected officials – we say that your inaction and resistance to improvements in our laws is politics at its very worst. No one seeks or wishes to infringe upon any law-abiding citizens’ rights. The perpetrators of gun violence on our communities are the ones who infringe upon the constitutionally protected rights of the victims. And keep in mind our Declaration of Independence. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are three examples of our unalienable rights which governments were created to protect. To continue to sit by and do nothing is a dereliction of duty. It is ignoring our most fundamental responsibility to our citizens.

Our constituents deserve much more than ignorance and complicity. We oftentimes call for lawmakers to be courageous in the wake of these shootings. Doing what’s right to address what has become a public health and safety crisis is not exactly courageous. It’s just the right thing to do. Working to secure the safety of our people is not a divisive issue. It’s why we were elected to serve.

We cannot let the aftermath of this event become another stain on our nation. And that starts right here at home in Pennsylvania. We owe it to the victims of this latest tragedy and all those before it. We owe it to their families and friends. We owe it to their neighbors and congregations. In their names, we must come together to protect others from their own fate. Senate Democrats stand ready to get to work immediately.”  
