Senator Costa Introduces Comprehensive Campaign Finance Reform Legislation

Harrisburg, Pa. – January 19, 2021 Again this session, Senate Democratic Leader Jay Costa is seeking cosponsors for comprehensive campaign finance reform legislation.

“Pennsylvania is one of the most poorly regulated states as it relates to campaign finance laws,” said Senator Costa. “Now more than ever, we need to do more to restore faith in government and that can come from increased transparency and less money infecting our processes. I am hopeful that this year, the legislation will garner bipartisan support.”

Senator Costa will introduce a bill similar to what he has proposed in previous sessions to address comprehensive campaign finance reform, but with several additions based on feedback from constituents and recent media reports.

The bill will address independent expenditures by incorporated entities. The Citizens United decision by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2010 has made independent expenditures a leading campaign finance issue in many states.  The so-called “uncoordinated” and “independent” political expenditures now permitted by incorporated entities under this decision should be treated in a similar manner as PAC expenditures for reporting purposes. Connecticut and Maryland both have recently enacted legislation regarding this issue. 
Senate Bill 11 will address corporate shareholder approval of political activity.  The bill will require approval by the majority of shareholders when corporations make political contributions that exceed $10,000.  Also included would be a provision requiring corporations to notify shareholders of any political/campaign activity.  

The bill amends the Election Code to limit the expenditures of a candidate, political committee, political action committee, political party committee or other person;.the proposed limits are as follows, and are within the middle of limits imposed by other states. 

Lastly, media reports have shown examples of the use of credit cards and gift cards by campaign committees.  This expenditure method is clearly used to obscure how political action committee money is being used from public view. In many cases, the expenses may be crossing the line into personal use, but because it is difficult or impossible to see what the expense are, there is no accountability. To that end, the new legislation will require credit card statements to be filed with campaign finance reports, ban the purchase of gift cards with PAC money, and define “personal purpose.”

“The people deserve to be fully informed about a candidate’s financial backers,” Costa said. “My bill would restore the people’s confidence that their elections are not bought and paid for by corporate entities, neither domestic nor foreign.”

View More information on the bill


Pa Senate Democrats Announce Committee Chairs and Membership for 2021-22 Legislative Session

Harrisburg, Pa. − January 15, 2021 − Senate Democratic Leader Jay Costa today announced the slate of Democratic chairs and members for the Senate’s standing committees in the 2021-22 legislative session.

“Our caucus is diverse in every way – from demographics to professional background, and the senators are uniquely qualified to tackle the breadth of issues that come through our standing committees and onto the Senate floor,” said Senator Costa. “I’m proud to announce this slate of chairs and committee members, and look forward to their collective work in this session.”

The Democratic chairs will be (listed alphabetically by committee), members listed below in italics:

  • Aging & Youth: Maria Collett (Chair)
    • John Sabatina, Nikil Saval, Judy Schwank
  • Agriculture & Rural Affairs: Judy Schwank (Chair)
    • Amanda Cappelletti, Carolyn Comitta, Sharif Street
  • Appropriations: Vincent Hughes (Chair)
    • Judy Schwank, Jay Costa (ex officio), John Blake, Art Haywood, Tim Kearney, Steve Santarsiero, Nikil Saval, Sharif Street
  • Banking & Insurance: Sharif Street (Chair)
    • Lisa Boscola, Jim Brewster, Amanda Cappelletti, Tina Tartaglione
  • Communications & Technology: John Kane (Chair)
    • John Sabatina, Nikil Saval, Anthony H. Williams
  • Community, Economic & Recreational Development: Amanda Cappelletti (Chair)
    • Lisa Boscola, Maria Collett, Wayne Fontana, John Sabatina
  • Consumer Protection & Professional Licensure: Lisa Boscola (Chair)
    • Carolyn Comitta, John Kane, Steve Santarsiero, Tina Tartaglione
  • Education: Lindsey Williams (Chair)
    • John Blake, Jim Brewster, Tim Kearney
  • Environmental Resources & Energy: Carolyn Comitta (Chair)
    • Lisa Boscola, Katie Muth, Steve Santarsiero
  • Finance: John Blake (Chair)
    • Art Haywood, Vincent Hughes, Katie Muth
  • Game & Fisheries: James Brewster (Chair)
    • Wayne Fontana, Judy Schwank, Lindsey Williams
  • Health & Human Services: Art Haywood (Chair)
    • Amanda Cappelletti, Carolyn Comitta, Judy Schwank
  • Intergovernmental Operations: Anthony Williams (Chair)
    • Jay Costa, Art Haywood, Steve Santarsiero
  • Judiciary: Steve Santarsiero (Chair)
    • Amanda Cappelletti, Maria Collett, Art Haywood, John Sabatina
  • Labor & Industry: Christine Tartaglione (Chair)
    • John Kane, Tim Kearney, Lindsey Williams
  • Law & Justice: James Brewster (Chair)
    • Wayne Fontana, Tina Tartaglione, Anthony H. Williams
  • Local Government: Tim Kearney (Chair)
    • Maria Collett, Nikil Saval, Sharif Street
  • Rules & Executive Nominations: Jay Costa (Chair)
    • Maria Collett, Wayne Fontana, Vincent Hughes, Katie Muth, Anthony H. Williams
  • State Government: Sharif Street (Chair)
    • John Blake, Katie Muth, Anthony H. Williams
  • Transportation: John Sabatina, Jr. (Chair)
    • John Blake, Jim Brewster, John Kane, Tim Kearney
  • Urban Affairs & Housing: Nikil Saval (Chair)
    • Lisa Boscola, Wayne Fontana, Lindsey Williams
  • Veterans Affairs & Emergency Preparedness: Katie Muth (Chair)
    • Carolyn Comitta, John Kane, Lindsey Williams

For more information on all members of the Senate Democratic Caucus and their work in the legislature and home districts, please visit


Senator Costa Will Attend Swearing in for Senator Brewster on Wednesday

Pittsburgh, Pa. — January 12, 2021 —  Statement from Senate Democratic Leader Jay Costa:

“Tomorrow morning, I am looking forward to joining Senator Jim Brewster in Harrisburg for his swearing in ceremony. I want to thank Senate President Pro Tempore Jake Corman for setting this up so quickly following the federal court ruling today. I speak for Senator Brewster and all of the members of the Senate Democratic Caucus in saying that we look forward to getting to work on behalf of all of our constituents in this legislative session.” 

Senate Democrats Respond to Federal Court Ruling in Senator Brewster’s Race

Pittsburgh, Pa. — January 12, 2021 —  Today, U.S. District Judge J. Nicholas Ranjan issued a ruling in favor of seating the rightful winner of the 45th senatorial district – Senator Jim Brewster, and upholding the counting of ballots as certified by the Department of State. 

“I want to thank Judge Ranjan for his thoughtful and well-reasoned decision on the merits of this case,” said Senate Democratic Leader Jay Costa. “My colleague Senator Brewster won more votes, affirmed that victory in state courts, and had it confirmed by the Pennsylvania Department of State. He’s been declared the winner more times and in more ways than should be necessary, but I believe that the matter is now unequivocally settled. I look forward to Senator Brewster’s swearing in ceremony and watching him take the oath of office I know he will faithfully abide every day of his service.” 

Judge Ranjan’s ruling states, “The Court’s fundamental disagreement is with Ms. Ziccarelli’s interpretation of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s decision. Contrary to Ms. Ziccarelli’s reading, the Court finds that the Supreme Court expressly held that the undated ballots at issue remain valid ballots that are properly counted under state law.”

Similarly, Ms. Ziccarelli claims that her substantive due process rights have been violated because the “rules have changed,” i.e., the “rule” before the election was to not count undated ballots, but Defendants changed the rules by counting and certifying those ballots. Not so.”

Given these distinctions, the Court does not find that the facts of Ms. Ziccarelli’s case present anything resembling the sort of conscience-shocking behavior that is required to show a due-process violation.”

In sum, the correct interpretation of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s decision on Ms. Ziccarelli’s state-court appeal is that the challenged ballots are valid and may properly be counted. This causes Ms. Ziccarelli’s federal claims to fail on the merits.

This is in line with the decision by Allegheny County’s Election Board to certify the results of this race, and the decision from the Pennsylvania Supreme Court which upheld the counting of ballots – and ultimately, the decision of the Department of State to certify the results.

“Today we can celebrate Jim Brewster’s win, but the real winner is democracy,” said Senator Costa. “Our judicial system at both the state and federal level upheld the decision of our voters, just as it was intended to. Congratulations to Senator Brewster on concluding this arduous campaign, congratulations to the voters who made their voices heard, and to all of the voters who will participate in elections to come – knowing that their vote will matter.”


Download copy of the opinion.

Senator Costa Responds to Senate Pro Tempore Comments on Defying Court Orders and Overturning Elections

Pittsburgh, Pa. − January 8, 2021 − Earlier today, Senate President Pro Tempore Jake Corman released a statement indicating that he intends to overturn the decision of voters in the 45th senatorial district and to defy a federal judge’s order.

“I am deeply disturbed by Senator Corman’s comments today with regard to the rule of law. His statements continue to challenge our democratic processes,” said Senate Democratic Leader Jay Costa. “Senator Jim Brewster won his election. That election was certified by Department of State Secretary Kathy Boockvar. That win was affirmed in a court of law, twice.”

“These comments are particularly disturbing in that they demonstrate a pattern of undemocratic behavior from Senator Corman and members of the Senate Republican Caucus,” Senator Costa continued. “Three times this week, that caucus has locked arms with Donald Trump in its efforts to disenfranchise voters and threaten democracy. Maya Angelou tells us, when someone shows you who they are – believe them the first time. I hope that voters across Pennsylvania have seen and believe them after this week.”

On Monday, Senate Republicans led by Senator Corman requested that Pennsylvania’s presidential votes be discarded in the Electoral College count – a move that would helped inspire the actions we saw in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday.

On Tuesday, under the direction of Senator Corman, Republicans refused to seat Senator Brewster who won his election and had that election affirmed in state and federal court. In a hostile takeover later that day, they stripped Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman of his authority to preside over the Senate floor when he refused to go along with their scheme.

On Wednesday, the Senate Republican caucus contributed to the rhetoric which fomented a violent insurrection at our nation’s Capitol, that at least one Senate Republican actively organized and attended.

“Senator Corman has exercised an election insurrection and is inching Pennsylvania toward authoritarianism,” said Senator Costa. “The suggestion that he would defy yet another court order in his quest to steal the 45th district from Senator Brewster is chilling, and takes clear cues from his role model, Donald Trump.”


Senator Costa Calls for Senator Mastriano to Resign Immediately

Pittsburgh, Pa. − January 7, 2021 − Following the riot in Washington, D.C. yesterday, Senate Democratic Leader Jay Costa issued the following statement:

Senator Mastriano is guilty of encouraging yesterday’s coup attempt in Washington and inspiring its violent actors with his words and actions since November. 

I support the First Amendment, and Senator Doug Mastriano has that right as well. However, as a public servant and sitting Senator – he, and all members of this body, must be held to a higher standard. For this reason, I am calling on him to resign. The residents of the 33rd senatorial district deserve to be represented by someone with a higher regard for this nation, its laws, its judicial system and its government.

Senator Mastriano has shown a disregard for the rule of law; and as former President John Adams said “we are a nation of laws.” Our elected leaders and government officials are bound by oath to respect and uphold those laws. 

I strongly believe that Senator Mastriano’s cumulative conduct over the last three months is unbecoming of a member of the Pennsylvania Senate. Since November, Senator Doug Mastriano has been a loud proponent of Donald Trump’s anti-democratic conspiracy theories. He has questioned the integrity of our elections without evidence, wasted taxpayer resources with sham hearings that claimed fraud without proof, and yesterday he was intimately engaged in the protest at the nation’s capital that ultimately turned into a violent breach of the U.S. Capitol building.
