Harrisburg – June 5, 2013 – State Sen. Jay Costa (D-Allegheny) issued the following statement on the Senate’s passage of a signature transportation funding bill (Senate Bill 1). Once fully implemented, the measure would generate an additional $2.5 billion annually to build, repair and maintain roads and bridges in addition to funding mass transit operations.

“The Senate passage of a significant and comprehensive transportation bill sends the signal that we are serious about addressing transportation funding, creating jobs and improving the safety of our roads, bridges and transit systems. It also signals to the state House of Representatives that it is time they get moving on transportation.

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“Without sufficient funds to repair our crumbling roads, bridges and mass transit systems, safety will be compromised and we will be at a severe economic disadvantage. In addition, there is a dire need to invest in our rail system, airports and ports so that new business can be developed.

“The legislation would ensure that we have financing available to fix our transportation system, generate jobs, avoid additional drastic cuts to the Port Authority transit routes and aid all mass transit operations statewide.”

Costa said that a meaningful transportation funding measure has been a legislative priority of Senate Democrats for several years.

The measure now goes to the House of Representatives for its consideration.
