Harrisburg, August 13, 2013 – Senate Democratic Leader Sen. Jay Costa (D-Allegheny) today issued a statement disputing the Corbett administration contention that state funding earmarked for the Philadelphia School District was contingent on additional concessions from the city or organized labor.

Costa and other Senate Democrats participated in discussions in June with the governor’s senior aides — prior to the adoption of the state budget or Fiscal Code – concerning the $45 million state grant for the city. Philadelphia school officials have maintained that without the additional state funds the school district will not be able to open for the upcoming year.

“In the context of our discussions with the governor’s top aides there were no additional labor concessions discussed regarding the state grant.

“The fact is the district has already started implementing a wide array of significant fiscal, operational and education reforms pursuant to Act 71. These include labor contributions, transportation efficiencies and other important changes that will help address the district’s funding crisis.

“Act 71 refers to the type of systemic reform that the district has now put in motion not the imposition of contractual changes that have not been agreed to during the collective bargaining process.

“The Corbett administration needs to honor the commitment that it made and release the grant funding.”
