Harrisburg – June 28, 2013 – Senate Democratic Leader Sen. Jay Costa (D-Allegheny) said that he was ecstatic that Medicaid expansion language was included in legislation that cleared the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee today.

The expansion language was approved with a strong bi-partisan vote among committee members.

“Expanding Medicaid will deliver health care to more than a half million Pennsylvania citizens,” Costa said. “It is economically justifiable, responsible public policy and meaningful for so many who need access to health care.”

Costa said that Medicaid expansion was a priority of Senate Democrats who have championed the cause and campaigned for months for the expansion of the program. Medicaid expansion is an aspect of the federal Affordable Care Act.

“Senate Democrats have pushed the expansion for months through hearings, meetings and public statements and it remains a priority,” Costa said. “We worked with our Senate Republican colleagues to devise an agreement that opens the window for the expansion.

“We all recognize this is just the first step in the process, but it’s an important stride toward helping citizens, creating jobs, and saving precious state taxpayer dollars. I am very pleased that this provision was included in the legislation that cleared the committee.”

The legislation enables Pennsylvania to enter into an agreement with the federal government to expand the state’s Medicaid program to cover individuals who earn 138 percent of the federal poverty level. It is estimated that this expansion will permit more than 500,000 working Pennsylvanians access to health care.

The language was inserted into the Welfare Code bill and includes conditions that will have to be considered and recognized when the expansion agreement with the federal government is developed, Costa said.

According to Costa, the expansion is fully paid for by the federal government for the first three years. Independent groups ranging from the Pennsylvania Economy League to Rand Health studied the expansion and believe it will create 35,000 to 40,000 jobs, inject $4 billion into the economy and result in significant budget savings.

The state’s Independent Fiscal Office says Pennsylvania will save an average annual savings of $289 million if Medicaid is expanded.
