HARRISBURG, October 18, 2011 – – Senate Democratic Leader Jay Costa (D-Allegheny) today applauded Senate passage of legislation that would reduce Pennsylvania’s over-crowded prison population and expand eligibility for essential reentry programs.

Democratic amendments to Senate Bill 100 implemented provisions that would distinguish between the correctional needs of violent and non-violent offenders through a risk assessment instrument and expand the eligibility for County and State Intermediate Punishment programs, State Motivational Boot Camp and the Risk Reduction Incentive program.

“While we continue to push forth on our jobs first agenda, this legislation will capitalize on the positive connections between reductions in recidivism and employment,” Costa said. “This legislation was one facet of our PA Works Now job creation initiative and Senate Democrats hope that our Republican colleagues will see the benefits in the other facets of PA Works Now that will put Pennsylvanians back to work.”

Costa said that Senate Bill 100 also includes provisions for pre-release from a state prison if a qualifying non-violent inmate has already served at least 9 months of their sentence at either a state or county prison.

Senate Bill now goes to the House of Representatives for consideration.

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