Senator Costa Announces New Compensation Guidelines for NCAA Athletes In Pennsylvania

Harrisburg, Pa. – June 25, 2021 – Pennsylvania athletes may soon be able to earn compensation from their name, image and likeness, thanks to a bill that passed the General Assembly, Senate Democratic Leader Jay Costa announced Friday night. 

“There is an immense amount of money surrounding college athletics, and the players that attract attention to their sports have not been fairly compensated for their skills and work,” said Senator Costa. “I’m pleased with the efficiency we worked with here at the state level to grant all the appropriate permissions for our athletes to be compensated in their upcoming seasons.”

State law regarding athlete compensation was changed as part of a budget related bill, commonly referred to as the School Code. The language provides for the following:

  • Authorizes college student athletes (athletes) to earn compensation for the use of the athlete’s name, image or likeness (compensation).
  • Prohibits institutions of higher education (institutions) from:  1.   hindering athletes earning compensation, and 2.  attempting to recruit athlete by using third party compensation for name, image or likeness as an incentive.
  • Prohibits the NCAA and other such intercollegiate athletic entities (entities) from:  1.  preventing athletes from earning compensation; preventing an institution from participating in intercollegiate athletics due to athletes’ earning compensation.
  • Requires persons making a profit on college team merchandise to make a royalty payment to each athlete whose name, image or likeness is used on the merchandise.
  • Prohibits institutions and entities from interfering with athletes’ participation in athletics due to obtaining professional representation for name, image or likeness rights.
  • Prohibits entities from interfering with institutions’ participation in intercollegiate athletics due to athletes obtaining professional representation for name, image or likeness rights.
  • Provides that an athlete’s scholarship cannot be used to limit the athlete’s right to use name, image or likeness except as required in federal or state student aid guidelines.
  • Prevents institutions and entities from being required to assist name, image and likeness compensation opportunities for athletes.
  • Authorizes institutions to prohibit athletes name, image and likeness rights that conflict with institutions’ existing sponsor arrangements, or with institutions’ values.
  • Provides athletes with State law protections and right to adjudicate, and the right to file a private civil action for a violation under the article.

The enabling legislation has passed the House and Senate; it now awaits a final signature from Governor Tom Wolf. 

Six other states have similar laws that will permit athletes to earn compensation starting July 1. 



Senate Republicans refuse to consider campaign finance amendments to HB1300

Harrisburg, Pa. − June 25, 2021 − Today on the PA Senate floor, Senate Republicans refused to consider a campaign finance amendment offered by Senate Democratic Leader Jay Costa. He introduced the amendment to House Bill 1300, a piece of legislation that Republicans have inaccurately touted as “comprehensive voting reform.”

The Republican motion to table the amendment passed on party lines, 29-21 and the amendment did not even receive consideration on its merits.

“I do not understand how Republicans can call this bill a comprehensive approach to restoring faith in our elections when they will not even consider one of the most pressing issues facing our process – unfettered and unlimited campaign contributions,” said Senator Costa. “For years I have introduced campaign finance legislation and the majority party in Harrisburg refuses to hold hearings, but what they did today was even worse. As they pretended to address voting reform, they would not even consider the merits of my legislation, which I believe would go a very long way in restoring public trust in campaigns and government.”

Senator Costa’s amendment mirrored legislation he has introduced for several sessions and would:

  • Require the disclosure of expenses to these entities so that the public knows who is trying to influence our elections
  • Require credit card statements to be filed with campaign finance reports, ban the purchase of gift cards with PAC money, and define “personal purpose” so that the law is clear about the types of expenses that are prohibited.
  • Empower public requestors to challenge a campaign’s wrongful denial of access to its vouchers, which are supposed to be available for public inspection, before the Department of State and provide the Department with clear authority to enforce such access through penalties.
  • Limit the donations and expenditures to and from candidates, political committees, political action committees, political party committees or other persons, for the purpose of influencing the outcome of an election. Limits on contributions and on the amount of donations candidates can take in will level the political playing field and limit corporate influence on our political system. 
  • Ban foreign corporate influence over our elections by prohibiting any corporation with a foreign owner holding at least 5% ownership (or foreign owners holding 20% ownership in the aggregate) from making independent expenditures, electioneering communication expenditures or contributions to political committees that make only independent expenditures (“super PACs”) for purposes of spending state and local elections in the Commonwealth.

Senator Costa voted against House Bill 1300, which despite Republican marketing efforts is nothing more than a broad attempt at voter suppression. The bill

  • Limits the opportunity for counties to use drop boxes
  • Gives LESS time to register to vote
  • Requires voter ID each and every time you vote and requires 2 forms of ID when you vote-by-mail
  • Requires signature verification with NO training or standards
  • Gives LESS time to apply to vote-by-mail
  • Creates several election-related audits under the Auditor General, a partisan elected official with no Risk Limiting Audit (RLA) experience
  • Limits early voting

House Bill 1300 now goes to the Governor’s desk, where he has indicated it will be vetoed.


Bipartisan, Inter-Branch Task Force Announces New Policy Recommendations to Improve Juvenile Justice

Recommendations highlight data-driven policies and practices to protect community safety and create better paths for youth and families

HARRISBURG – June 22, 2021 –  The inter-branch and bipartisan Pennsylvania Juvenile Justice Task Force on Tuesday released a comprehensive final report with policy recommendations that protect public safety, increase accountability, achieve savings for reinvestment, and improve outcomes for youth, families, and communities.

If adopted, these policy recommendations will safely reduce the population of young people in out-of-home facilities by 39% by 2026, freeing up nearly $81 million for reinvestment.

Co-chaired by Sen. Lisa Baker, Sen. Jay Costa, Rep. Tarah Toohil, and Rep. Mike Zabel, the task force was jointly established in 2019 by leaders from both parties and all three branches, including Governor Tom Wolf, Supreme Court Chief Justice Thomas Saylor, House Speaker Bryan Cutler, Senate President Pro Tempore Jake Corman, and Senate Minority Leader Costa. Leaders charged the task force with conducting an assessment of the juvenile justice system driven by data and stakeholder input and with developing recommendations to serve as the foundation for statutory, budgetary, and administrative changes for consideration during the 2021-2022 regular session of the General Assembly.

“We worked together to conduct an inclusive, inter-branch look at our system based in our own data and on the voices of stakeholders,” task force co-chair Sen. Lisa Baker said. “Our findings show we have an urgent opportunity to reinvest in communities across Pennsylvania. No matter where young people live, our system should be fair, aligned with what works best, and equipped with the tools to strengthen families and reduce recidivism.”

“This issue touches every corner of our Commonwealth,” Speaker of the House Bryan Cutler (R- Lancaster) said. “This findings in this report present us with the opportunity to ensure our juvenile justice system rehabilitates our youngest offenders to not only create a positive path for them, but also to strengthens families, protect communities and create long-term benefits for all Pennsylvanians.”

“Over the past 17 months, the task force has worked diligently to create these policy recommendations that will expand where our juvenile justice system has succeeded—and boldly transform the areas where we face challenges,” Governor Tom Wolf said. “We need to do better by our youth and communities, and that’s why this important work remains a top priority for all of us.”

“Through our Task Force’s collaborative work together, we have uncovered troubling data showing too many young people are removed from home on their first offense who aren’t assessed as likely to reoffend, said Judge Kim Berkeley Clark, president judge of Allegheny County and chair of the Pennsylvania Juvenile Court Judges’ Commission. “The data also shows that children living in poverty and children of color are more likely to receive placement for their first offense. Our recommendations expand and reinvest in diversion and other efforts that are already succeeding in many counties to hold young people accountable at home in their own communities.”

In keeping with its charge from state leaders, the task force issued 35 recommendations to:

  • Strengthen due process and procedural safeguards
  • Focus costly out-of-home placement resources on young people who pose a threat to community safety, while more consistently diverting young people with low-level cases to community-based interventions
  • Reinvest cost savings from reduced reliance on out-of-home placement into expanding the continuum of nonresidential programs to divert kids from juvenile court and from placement; strengthening system oversight; and filling victim restitution funds, among other priorities
  • Prioritize restitution payments to victims and prevent unnecessary system involvement by eliminating the imposition of fines and most court fees and costs
  • Ensure that young people who have completed their obligations to the court are not held back from successful transition into adulthood by records of juvenile justice system involvement
  • Improve oversight to ensure that every young person placed in the custody of the Commonwealth is safe, treated fairly, and receiving a quality education
  • Narrow the criteria for trying young people as adults in criminal court
  • Increase system accountability and address inequities through enhanced data reporting to the public and wider representation on oversight bodies

The 30-member task force assessed the state’s juvenile justice system and reviewed data from court and state agencies and examined how current practices can better align with what research says works to improve outcomes for youth and families. The task force created avenues for public testimony through virtual meetings and written submissions, receiving input from more than 500 stakeholders.

The task force found that most youth in the juvenile justice system have little or no prior history of delinquency, have not committed a felony or a person offense, and do not score as high risk to reoffend— even though research shows most youth are not on a path toward adult crime and over-involvement in the system can increase their likelihood of reoffending. 59 percent of adjudicated youth sent to residential placement are removed from home for a misdemeanor, just 39 percent committed a person offense, and most had no prior adjudicated offenses. Out-of-home placement consumes the vast majority of taxpayer spending on delinquency services, and costs as much as $192,720 per youth per year. Outcomes for youth show large disparities by race and geography—even for similar youth behavior. The final report and recommendations, an executive summary, and other documents related to the Task Force’s work are available on its website.

The task force’s efforts build upon Pennsylvania’s past efforts to improve its juvenile justice system, such as the Pennsylvania Juvenile Justice System Enhancement Strategy and legislation sponsored by Sen. Baker following the recommendations of the Interbranch Commission on Juvenile Justice.

“While today marks the end of a long and comprehensive process to present this report about the Pennsylvania Juvenile Justice system, what’s working well, and what we need to improve—it is really just the beginning,” said task force co-chair Sen. Costa. “It is now time for my fellow co-chairs and all my colleagues in the General Assembly to pick up the baton and enact these recommendations.”

“Thank you to all task force members, and to the hundreds of stakeholders across the Commonwealth who reached out, shared their experiences, and provided input to help us land on the best and most important changes to Pennsylvania’s juvenile justice system,” said task force co-chair Rep. Mike Zabel. “I am proud of the bi-partisan, data-driven process we helped lead and look forward to moving forward on these recommendations to create a system that works better for kids and families.”

The Pew Charitable Trusts and the Crime and Justice Institute provided technical assistance to the Pennsylvania Juvenile Justice Task Force throughout the entire process at the invitation of state leadership.

Senate Democrats Offer Restaurant & Tavern Recovery Legislation

Harrisburg, Pa. – June 21, 2021 − After Republicans failed to pass a clean, bipartisan bill to extend mixed drinks to go for restaurants and taverns, the Pennsylvania Senate Democrats are introducing legislation that will provide the opportunity for bars, taverns and restaurants to extend some of the emergency provisions of the disaster declaration. 

Under leadership of the Senate Democrats, the General Assembly passed statutes that permitted restaurants to sell mixed drinks to go, sell alcohol outside in contiguous areas, expand off premise catering permits, and receive other waivers and discounts on fees, which we were under the protections of a disaster declaration.  

When Republicans ended the disaster declaration with a concurrent resolution in early June, they did nothing to prepare for restaurants to continue these activities – despite knowing the hospitality industry would be harmed. 

“The Senate Democratic Caucus is fighting to help the hospitality industry recover from the past year of hardship,” said Senate Democratic Leader Jay Costa. “And we’re hopeful that the Senate Republicans will join us – instead of capitalizing on the pain of the small business community.”

Instead of passing House Bill 1154, which enjoyed bipartisan support in the House and Senate, Senate Republicans added a political amendment to privatize our liquor system – with no hearings or expert testimony.

“Republicans continue to politicize the tragedy of the COVID-19 pandemic, and frankly I think Pennsylvanians are fed up of their talking points,” said Senator Wayne D. Fontana. “They campaigned hard to end the disaster declaration and misled folks on what that meant. Many restrictions were already ended, but their hasty and partisan end to the declaration is hurting small business owners.”

Members of the Senate Democratic Caucus will introduce amendments and a new bill to permanently enshrine the permissions granted under the COVID-19 disaster declaration, without tying this aid to partisan tricks.

The amendments will continue the following emergency permissions:

  • Mixed drinks to go
  • Ability to sell in contiguous areas outside of the licensed premises
  • Increase in the wholesale discount from 10% to 15%
  • Allow an unlimited number of off premise catering permits
  • Waive safekeeping fees
  • Ability for closing restaurants and taverns to sell their liquor inventory to other liquor licensees

“Since July of last year, I have been asking my Republican colleagues to support these measures,” said Senator Jim Brewster. “I keep hearing from restaurants and taverns in my district that they want these things to continue. They’re tired of excuses from Harrisburg; there’s no reason we can’t get this done for them.”

“The hospitality industry has been decimated over the past 15 months, and this immense hardship transcends all party lines and allegiances. Workers and small businesses are still reeling from the pandemic and need, and deserve, our support,” said Senator Nikil Saval. “These amendments will benefit people and communities throughout our Commonwealth that these businesses sustain, and simultaneously allow for the continued reimagining of how residents get to experience our streets and communal spaces.”

These amendments are in addition to the New Deal for Pennsylvania plan that the caucus put forth in May, which includes $2.47 billion in spending of the state’s allocation from the American Rescue Plan for people-focused recovery, including business assistance, job training and workforce development.

More information on the New Deal proposal can be found at 

Previously, the Senate Democrats fought for and secured $145 million in assistance for the hospitality industry in the form of grants in January of 2021, paid for with federal funding from the CARES Act.  



General Assembly Democrats, Local Leaders Across PA Call for Immediate Action on Toxic and Unsafe School Infrastructure

Statewide, PA − June 11, 2021 — As the projected state budget surplus surged to $3 billion and more than $7 billion in federal aid remains idled by inaction, Senate & House Democrats gathered in front of local schools across Pennsylvania on Friday to call for immediate release of funds to end the scourge of toxic and dilapidated school buildings in Pennsylvania.

Elected officials and local leaders in four different regions of the commonwealth talked about how widespread health and safety concerns affect school districts large and small across the commonwealth, where school infrastructure has caused illness and even death to those who are forced to occupy them every day.

“We are here to put an end to the excuses,” state Sen. Vincent Hughes, D-Philadelphia, Montgomery said outside the century-old Overbrook High School where students go without water in science labs and duck pieces falling from the auditorium ceiling. “It’s budget season and the annual excuses that have kept our children trapped in toxic schools are as old and worn as the schools themselves.  Enough.  We have the resources to end this embarrassment right now.”

Democrats are seeking immediate investment in schools across the Pennsylvania, one of only 22 states that has failed to remove lead from school drinking water and where infrastructure has been rated C- by the American Society of Civil Engineers.

Senate Democratic Leader Jay Costa, who spoke from Kelly Primary School in Wilkinsburg, said indiscriminate boundaries should not play a role in school quality.

“Something as simple and arbitrary as a zip code determines the quality of buildings and facilities a student will have to learn in,” he said.  “This isn’t right and it’s not equitable, but this year we have the opportunity to level the playing field. With $7 billion in federal funding and a $3 billion surplus, we can address aging infrastructure in every district in this state that needs it.”

Senate Democrats and Gov. Tom Wolf have been urging the General Assembly for years to protect students, teachers and staff with investments in our schools that would also create thousands of jobs.  Still, news outlets continue to report lead in drinking water, asbestos pollution, and even carbon monoxide dangers in Pennsylvania schools.

Sen. Carolyn Comitta, a member of the Senate Education Committee who spoke said investment of surplus and American Rescue Plan funding would be benefit both students and local economies.

“Every child deserves the opportunity to attend school in a classroom that is a safe, healthy, and productive environment for learning,” she said. With significant ARP funding, we now have a golden opportunity to upgrade Pennsylvania’s school facilities and address problems like mold, asbestos, and lead that are hazardous to the health of students, young people, and teachers. We can fix our educational facilities, create jobs, and prioritize the recovery of both our economy and our schools in the process.”

Under the state constitution, Pennsylvania’s annual budget must be passed by June 30.

“The renovation of schools has been deferred for far too long,” said Sen. Art Haywood, who represents schools in both Philadelphia and Montgomery counties. Now is the time to clear the asbestos, mold, lead, and water. We must fix poor ventilation and other hazardous conditions.”

Sen. Tim Kearney gathered community leaders outside Penn Wood High School in Lansdowne.

“We cannot send our children into schools with overcrowded classrooms and broken heating, and expect them to thrive,” he said. “How can students succeed when their schools are failing? Thanks to a historic investment from the American Rescue Plan, we have a real opportunity to deliver on our promise to Pennsylvania’s children by giving schools the resources they need.”

Sen. Anthony Hardy Williams, who represents Southwest Philadelphia and parts of Delaware County, said students exposed to the neglect of their schools can have that reflected in their performance.

“We must invest money that is readily into school buildings across Pennsylvania. It is appalling that we continue to allow students to sit in classrooms, walk hallways, and drink from water fountains that may be contaminated with lead, asbestos, and numerous other dangerous toxins,” he said.  “How can we expect students to care about their education if they don’t feel like we are committing and investing to them and their learning environment? We need to fund our facilities and invest now in the students of Pennsylvania.”

Sen. John Kane, who spent decades as a union plumber, said he has seen first-hand the materials once used routinely on large building projects.

“I’m from the construction industry – I spent four decades there,” he said. “There are materials in these buildings that we have learned are dangerous and need to be replaced. And the longer we go without doing that, the more we’re putting our students, our teachers, and our school administrators at risk. It’s that simple. It’s time we all do our jobs to right this wrong.”

Sen. Sharif Street, whose North Philadelphia district is one of the least wealthy in Pennsylvania, said education funding is at the root of economic disparity.

“There has never been a better opportunity to fully and equally fund education in Pennsylvania. With $3 Billion in unprecedented budget surpluses, there is no greater priority than making sure our kids have the resources they need to succeed in rural and urban districts,” he said. “Property taxes, new business and even where people choose to start a family are all linked to education funding. Investing in our students will allow us to grow our economy, population and the next the next generation of Pennsylvania.”

Sen. Nikil Saval, also representing portions of Philadelphia, highlighted the opportunity presented by this year’s budget.

“Healthy communities, in which people of all ages have what they need to thrive, do not exist without healthy schools,” said Saval. “COVID has laid bare the dire conditions of school buildings throughout the state, but organizers, teachers, school administrators, parents, and children have fought long and hard to call attention to the urgent need to repair and update the crumbling infrastructure. We have an incredible opportunity, right now, to respond to their calls.” 

The newest member of the Pennsylvania Senate Democratic Caucus, Senator Marty Flynn, joined the press event from Scranton and represents portions of Lackawanna, Luzerne and Monroe counties.

“Now, more than ever, COVID-19 has shown the need for removing all known health hazards from our classrooms as well as providing proper ventilation systems. An unhealthy learning environment leads to overcrowded classrooms and long-term health issues for students and educators. Our six neighboring states all have existing programs to deal with health and safety hazards in their public school buildings. There is no reason Pennsylvanians can’t move to protect our students in the same way,” said Senator Marty Flynn. “In the past, opponents of fair funding have claimed that more money for broken schools means less money for other schools.  The ARP funding eliminates that excuse.  The money is there. We have an opportunity to do the right thing now.”


Senator Costa Announces $750K In State Funding for Housing Projects

Pittsburgh, Pa. – June 10, 2021 − Senator Jay Costa today announced the award of $750,000 in state funding for local housing projects in Wilkinsburg and Hazelwood.

“These communities have incredible potential just waiting to be unlocked, and today’s awards will help rehabilitate and reimagine the real estate landscape while protecting its existing residents,” said Senator Costa.

Wilkinsburg Community Development Corporation will receive $250,000 to expand and implement its Vacant Property Recovery Initiative, an effort to bring blighted and underutilized parcels back to productive use. The program will provide technical support and closing cost assistance for vacant residential property acquisition, recover vacant land through side lot acquisition and renewal, and perform owner-occupied rehab for existing housing.

The Hazelwood Initiative will receive $500,000 for development on Hazelwood Green. The proposal, part of Hazelwood Initiative’s “development without displacement” strategy, will develop 12 units of permanently affordable homeownership units using the City of Bridges Community Land Trust (CBCLT) model, and 19 units or permanently affordable rental units, the final phase of the 63-unit Hazelwood Affordable Rental Preservation Project.

This funding was approved by the Pennsylvania Housing & Finance Authority for the Pennsylvania Housing Affordability and Rehabilitation Enhancement (PHARE) program. The funds come from Realty Transfer Taxes.
