Harrisburg – July 19, 2012 – A noted Pittsburgh attorney who is regularly recognized as a Pennsylvania Super Lawyer has been appointed to a three-year term on the Independent Regulatory Review Commission (IRRC) by Senate Democratic Leader state Sen. Jay Costa (D-Forest Hills.)

Costa announced that he appointed Dennis A. Watson of the downtown firm Grogan Graffam, PC to serve on IRRC.

“Dennis Watson will be a terrific addition to IRRC and make a valued contribution to improving Pennsylvania government,” Costa said.  “Dennis has a wealth of experience in a wide range of legal issues, is a seasoned litigator, dedicated professional and a person who is committed to public service.”

Costa forwarded Watson’s appointment to IRRC on July 16.  IRRC is a state commission charged with the oversight and review of all proposed and existing rules promulgated by various state agencies, authorities, courts or municipal governmental.

“IRRC plays a key role in making sure that rules and regulations proposed by government are in the best interest of the public and that they are rational and reasonable,” Costa said.  “With Dennis’ experience, he will quickly make his mark in ensuring that proposed rules hit the mark and have no unintended consequences.”

Watson currently serves as President of Grogan Graffam PC.  He has been president since 1998 and has been a shareholder since 1983.

A former school director in the North Hills School District, Watson has a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Pennsylvania and received his law degree, cum laude in 1977 from the University of Pittsburgh.  Watson’s practice includes complex commercial, construction, maritime insurance and personal injury cases.

“Dennis has been recognized by his peers and state and federal courts for his legal work,” Costa said.   “He is also committed to his community and has served on a number of boards in West View.”

Watson is a proctor in the Maritime Law Association, served as Special Master for Allegheny County and in the Western District of the U.S. District Court and has been a member of Pennsylvania’s Joint State Government Commission’s Advisory Committee on Alternative Dispute Resolution.

IRRC was created by Act 181 of 1982.

