Harrisburg, November 9, 2012 – Statement from Senate Democratic Leader Jay Costa (D-Allegheny) regarding Gov. Corbett’s lottery privatization plan:

“The Pennsylvania Lottery is an efficiently and effectively run agency that funds critical services that benefit Pennsylvania seniors. The overall question is, why would the governor propose a privatization plan that potentially threatens to siphon off dollars intended to help seniors and pay them to a private contractor instead?”

“As our senior population continues to grow, we need to continue working to build up the network of programs and services to support them, not chip away at the system. Moving this plan forward in the manner as we’ve seen in the governor’s announcement today is more evidence of the kind of closed-door bargaining that continues to dictate policy in Harrisburg.”

“The people of Pennsylvania, especially our seniors, deserve an open and transparent process complete with legislative input and oversight on an issue that will directly affect the lives of some of our most vulnerable citizens.”

“The harsh reality is that moving into such a long-term contract as the governor has outlined would be the same as signing the mortgage to senior programs over to a private company for the next generation.”

“Just a few months ago, I introduced legislation – Senate Bill 1574 – that would put safeguards in place to ensure programs and services that have become a lifeline to many of our seniors were not jeopardized, while also protecting workers and guaranteed proper oversight.”

“There are too many question that need to be answered before any agreement is signed that could impact the lives of seniors forever.”
