Harrisburg – October 14, 2012 – State Sen. Jay Costa (D-Allegheny) the state Senate’s Democratic Leader, issued the following statement on the death of Sen. Arlen Specter:

“Whether it was on the local, state or national political scene, Senator Specter helped shape history. His work and his accomplishments throughout his many years in public life have left a lasting footprint. He led a purposeful and meaningful life and contributed so much to making the lives of the citizens of Pennsylvania better.

“Senator Specter was involved in many significant moments in our history and his reassuring voice was often heard during our most difficult times. Senator Specter led a full life of good works, including his efforts as a part of the commission that investigated the assassination of President Kennedy through many legislative battles while a member of the Senate.

“From his early years as district attorney in Philadelphia through five terms in the United States Senate, Senator Specter was a problem solver who used his years of service to generate benefits for the state. With Senator Specter’s death, Pennsylvania lost a political giant and a friend.

“On behalf of the state Senate Democratic caucus, I want to express our condolences to Senator Specter’s wife, Joan, his sons and all his family and loved ones. He was a friend who stood tall and he will be fondly remembered for his work.”

Hugh Baird