HARRISBURG, October 19, 2011 – – Senate Democratic Leader Jay Costa and Democratic Transportation Chairman John Wozniak today released the following statements regarding Pennsylvania’s transportation crisis:

Senator Jay Costa, (D-Allegheny):

“It is extremely important that we address our transportation crisis. In addition to making sure our bridges and roads are safe, we want to do everything possible to put Pennsylvanians back to work. Our unemployment numbers are moving in the wrong direction, and getting these road projects going will no doubt provide Pennsylvania with a much-need economic shot in the arm. Much of what is contained in the TFAC report will get people back to work. That is the bottom line and something Senate Democrats have been trying to facilitate for several months.

“With word now of research released today that Pittsburgh has the highest percentage of structurally deficient bridges in the nation, we should need no further evidence. We must move on this immediately. Senate Democrats have been urging the governor to act on the commission’s report since it was released. Months later — with limited time left in the fall session — I am pleased to see some measure of movement on the issue. Senate Democrats are ready to be a part of a meaningful conversation, and I am eager to hear specifics on the governor’s intentions. His guidance is essential.”

Senator John Wozniak (D-Johnstown):

“We have been saying for months that we must address Pennsylvania’s crumbling roads and bridges — not just to protect the safety of motorists, but transportation projects and infrastructure improvements are a powerful tool to get people back to work. Pennsylvania’s unemployment numbers have risen since the beginning of the year. Infrastructure improvement projects need to be a priority from an economic standpoint. We can’t be competitive when our roads are not up to par.

We look forward to hearing from the governor and learning which components of his Transportation Funding Advisory Commission have the possibility of being implemented and signed into law. The clock is ticking, but I am hopeful — with effective leadership – that something can get done this fall. From both a safety and economic standpoint, it must.

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