Today we come together to honor our veterans — those who have served, those still serving on our behalf at home and abroad and those who have made the ultimate sacrifice.

Our veterans have helped to define who we are as a nation and what we stand for in the name of freedom.  Never have they swayed from their call to service, even in the face of adversity and uncertainty.  As Americans, we owe them a debt of gratitude, of which we will never fully repay.  It is my hope that today and every day, Pennsylvanians will strive to exude the courage and strength that each of these men and women have so selflessly displayed and commit to guard the honor and respect for their service long after their time in uniform has passed.

It is because of their dedication and extraordinary commitment to this country and the pursuit of freedom, that we all can enjoy the opportunities afforded to us by this great nation.  May God continue to bless our veterans, their families and grant them continued safety and health until they return home to their families once again.