Harrisburg – May 8, 2012 – A nationally known public sector legal authority with vast experience in municipal, education and tax law has been appointed to the Legislative Audit Advisory Commission on the recommendation of state Sen. Jay Costa (D-Allegheny).

Costa, the Senate’s Democratic Leader, recommended lawyer Ira Weiss to Senate President Pro Tempore Joe Scarnati for appointment to the commission.

“Attorney Ira Weiss has decades of experience in municipal law and can provide expertise as a member of the Legislative Audit Advisory Commission,” Costa said. “The commission reports annually on the financial operations of the General Assembly.”

Costa said that the commission’s work is mandated by Article VIII, Section 10 of the state constitution and consists of eight members, including four public members, one each recommended by the caucus leaders and four members of the General Assembly.

“Ira has been a leading attorney in the field of education law for many years and is regarded as an expert in municipal law,” Costa said.

Weiss serves as solicitor for numerous school districts, municipal authorities and municipalities throughout the Pittsburgh region. He currently is solicitor for the Pittsburgh school district and several other school districts and municipalities in Western Pennsylvania.

He was solicitor for Allegheny County and participated in many legislative study commissions and boards.

“Ira has been recognized by his peers for his outstanding work and received the 2008 President’s Award for Distinguished Achievement in School Law,” Costa said. “Unquestionably he will be an asset to the Legislative Audit Advisory Commission.

The Legislative Audit Advisory Commission was established in 1970.
