Harrisburg – October 13, 2017 – Senator Costa’s office announced today that Angels’ Place Inc. located in Pittsburgh has been awarded the Seal of Excellence by the Pennsylvania Association of Nonprofit Organizations (PANO).

“I want to congratulate the Board and staff of Angels’ Place Inc. for this well-deserved recognition. Their work for mothers in the Pittsburgh community is awe-inspiring,” said Democratic Leader Senator Jay Costa. “They’re ensuring that young mothers are able to work, go to school, and raise their children. I’m glad a statewide organization has taken note of their huge contribution to Pittsburgh.”

Each year, nearly 600 Pittsburgh women under the age of 19 give birth. Teen mothers are statistically unlikely to complete high school, but Angels’ Place Inc. has filled a support void for them. They offer accredited child care at three locations, provide tutoring, support groups, counseling, and classes in parenting, nutrition, child safety and life skills. 

The Seal of Excellence is granted to well-managed, responsibly governed organizations that deserve the public’s trust. Angels’ Place Inc. is one of more than 50 organizations in the Commonwealth to earn this distinction.

The program consists of six Guiding Principles and 67 Standards, a vast amount of educational resources and trainings and a voluntary certification program.  The Guiding Principles include Mission, Strategy and Evaluation, Leadership: Board, Staff and Volunteers, Legal Compliance and Ethics, Finance and Operations, Resource Development and Public Awareness, Engagement and Advocacy.

Some of the areas reviewed as part of the evaluation include: how the board conducts itself, how conflicts of interest are avoided and disclosed, assurance of written and followed internal control and many of areas of management. The Standards also mandate that organizations evaluate their programs and are accountable to their donors.

“As much as we want to, and as much as we try – government is not able to provide all of the resources that we know our communities need. Nonprofit organizations fill many of the gaps that we leave. Angels’ Place is one such organization; and not only do they fulfill their mission, PANO has acknowledged their exception leadership, compliance, ethics and advocacy,” said Senator Costa.

The PA Association of Nonprofit Organizations (PANO) is located in Harrisburg and represents over 900 organizations. The Association is committed to serving and strengthening nonprofits.  PANO has adopted these Standards for Excellence to promote ethical practices and accountability in nonprofits throughout the state.

For more information about the Standards for Excellence program or to request a copy of the Standards, contact PANO directly at (717) 236-8584 or visit http://www.pano.org/Standards-For-Excellence/
