“The Supreme Court said that the Reapportionment Commission has more work to do. And, we agree.

The court has required a plan with fewer splits, more compact and contiguous districts, and, that while population deviation is a consideration, it is equal to other constitutional provisions. Importantly, the court emphasized that splits of political subdivisions should be avoided unless “absolutely necessary.”

The commission needs to get to work and proceed mindfully and cooperatively with respect for citizen input, the constitutional provisions regarding fairness and equity and the court’s guidance. As the Supreme Court held, the LRC must draw lines that respect the language in the Constitution.

We have to do it right this time. This is an opportunity to draw districts reflecting the court’s guidance or citizens will, once again, legitimately challenge the plan’s legality. A new plan should not be rammed through the process, without due consideration for what the court has said about redistricting.

The Supreme Court has emphasized that the statewide district map of the General Assembly must respect our citizens.”