Shredding Event

Second Ave. UPMC Parking Lot Intersection of Second Ave. & Hot Metal Bridge, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Join Senator Costa for a Free Shredding Event on Saturday, October 1st from 9-11 am.

WHAT TO BRING: All documents you no longer need that contain personal information including Social Security, credit card, and bank account numbers. Also bring credit card statements and applications, bank statements, cancelled checks, income tax forms, insurance records, medical and retirement/pension fund information. PAPER ONLY PLEASE. NO BINDERS, BINDER CLIPS OR BOOKS.

Consumer fraud and identity theft are a significant concern. To raise awareness and to promote prevention, I am hosting a shredding event to give individuals the opportunity to have unneeded documents destroyed FREE of charge. Document shredding will occur onsite with the shredded paper later to be recycled. This event is for individuals only, no businesses please. Three (3) box limit per car.

For more information, contact Senator Jay Costa’s office at 412-241-6690.

Free Health & Senior Fair

Greek Orthodox Social Hall 12 Washington Avenue, Oakmont, United States

Join me and Representative Joe McAndrew for our upcoming senior health fair! This great event will be held at the Greek Orthodox Social Hall and will feature important information and resources for our seniors to be healthy, happy, and active. 

Virtual Pennie/Health Care Town Hall

Virtual Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Join me and our friends at PENNIE for a FREE webinar about how to enroll in healthcare coverage for 2024! The deadline to apply for January 1 coverage is December 15, so make sure you get all your questions answered before then. You can watch our webinar on my website for free at Put […]

Town Hall Meeting: What’s Happening in Harrisburg

Forest Hills Municipal Building Community Room 4400 Greensburg Pike, Pittsburgh, United States

Meet your District 43rd State Senator, learn about the important issues before the State Senate, see how you can help move legislation, and ask questions. Don't forget to mention what you see as a job well done!