Harrisburg – Feb 9, 2014 – Senate Democratic Leader Sen. Jay Costa (D-Allegheny) and Senate Democratic Health and Welfare Committee Chair Shirley Kitchen (D-Philadelphia) released the following statement after Gov. Wolf announced plans today to move forward with Medicaid expansion:

Sen. Jay Costa:

“Today’s announcement by Gov. Wolf is a defining moment and a sign of hope for the future for more than half a million Pennsylvanians caught in healthcare chaos created during the ‘Healthy PA’ era. The governor’s message today signals a clear shift in the direction Pennsylvania is heading – one that ensures vulnerable citizens have access to critical healthcare services while creating jobs and helping to provide significant annual savings to the state budget.

“Medicaid expansion makes the same sense today as it did years ago when this discussion started. As we said all along, it is responsible, meaningful and good public policy and one that saves the taxpayers more than a billion dollars over the next three to four years.

“I am proud to stand in support of the governor’s decision to move this program forward.

Sen. Shirley Kitchen:

“This is a good day for Pennsylvanians who need affordable health care insurance but do not need the hassles and headaches of Healthy PA.” It’s also a good day for people who need work, and the governor’s decision will also help to bring new economic opportunity to Pennsylvania.”

Kitchen spearheaded a Jan. 28 letter from the Senate Democratic Caucus to Gov. Wolf asking him to replace Healthy PA with the larger and fully paid for Medicaid expansion program.

“Healthy PA had to go because it was rife with problems. Whether it was unequal application of the program’s guidelines or unfair cuts in benefits to people with disabilities and pregnant women, Healthy PA was anything but healthy.”
