Harrisburg – June 16, 2015—Senate Democratic Leader Jay Costa (D-Allegheny) today issued the following statement applauding the Senate’s passage of legislation renewing and improving the statewide 911 emergency communications system.  The measure, House Bill 911, passed the Senate unanimously.

“More than 25 years ago, the General Assembly made a commitment to develop a statewide emergency communications system.  This legislation renews our desire to fund and improve a system that is responsible with connecting emergency responders to residents and communities in time of need.

“Over the course of the past two years, members from both the Senate and House worked with community leaders, emergency responders, the telecommunications industry and interested stakeholders to develop significant, substantive and meaningful improvements to the emergency communications law.

“Bringing a wide range of organizations together to help craft legislation of this magnitude was challenging but I couldn’t be more pleased with the final work product.  This is an important step forward that will make differences in the lives of citizens throughout Pennsylvania.”

The current Act, providing for Pennsylvania’s emergency communication system was set to expire on June 30, 2015.
