Harrisburg – March 1, 2017 – State Senator Jay Costa today issued the following statement in reaction to threats directed at Jewish places of worship, schools, community centers and the desecration of cemeteries in Philadelphia and across Pennsylvania.

“I am heartbroken and appalled at the cowardly acts of vandalism and intolerance directed at Jewish places of worship, community centers, churches and cemeteries in Philadelphia and across Pennsylvania. These acts of hate will never define us; rather, they will strengthen our resolve to unite in the face of bigotry and prejudice. 

 “Let me be very clear – any act of violence or attempt to break the spirit and quiet the voices of our Jewish neighbors is an attack on us all.  I join the call for an investigation into these crimes and am confident our law enforcement partners will bring the perpetrators to justice.

“I am inspired by the outpouring of support from not only across the state, but the nation and the world in the face of these incidents.  As we look toward the future, my hope is that together we find ways to replace hate with love and violence with peace and unity.” 
