Harrisburg, Nov. 12, 2014 – Senate Democratic Leader Sen. Jay Costa (D-Allegheny) was re-elected to lead his caucus in the next legislative session.

Costa will be joined by a leadership team that will assist in devising policy solutions on key issues such as job creation, education investment, tax reform and repairs to the social safety net, he said.

“It is a great honor to be elected by my colleagues to lead our caucus for this session,” Costa said. “We have a great many challenges ahead of us but we have a wonderful opportunity to work with the new governor in crafting policy that helps all the citizens of Pennsylvania.

“Senate Democrats have a strong leadership team that will lead an energetic caucus.”

Costa, who will begin his third two-year stint as Democratic leader, will be assisted by Sen. Anthony H. Williams (D-Philadelphia) who was re-elected Democratic Whip. Democratic Appropriations Chair Sen. Vincent J. Hughes (D-Phila.) was also re-elected as Democratic chair of the committee.

“I am honored and appreciative to serve my colleagues in this role and look forward to developing solutions that address key issues and solve problems for Pennsylvanians,” Williams said.

Hughes has served as Democratic Chair of the Appropriations Committee since the beginning of the 2011-12 session.

“I am thankful for the support of my colleagues and the faith they have placed in me as Appropriations Committee chairman,” Hughes said. “Governor Corbett left us with a dire economic situation in an environment that he created. I look forward to working with Governor-Elect Wolf, our caucus and all members of the senate to address issues facing families.”

Costa, Williams and Hughes will be accompanied by a number of Senate Democrats who were either elected to different leadership positions or will join the team for the first time.

Sen. Wayne Fontana (D-Allegheny) was elected caucus chairman succeeding Sen. Richard Kasunic (D-Fayette) who retired at the end of this term.

“In my role as caucus chair, I will have input into how Senate Democrats manage information, provide analysis and respond to key issues,” Fontana said.   Fontana previously served as Democratic Caucus Administrator.

Senator Lisa Boscola will remain the Senate Democratic Policy Committee chair.

“Our policy committee has been very active in support of Senate Democratic initiatives,” Boscola said. “I look forward to working hand in hand with the administration and my Senate Democratic colleagues in crafting realistic and responsible policy that will impact future generations.”

Sens. Larry Farnese (D-Philadelphia), John Yudichak (D-Luzerne) and John Blake (D-Lackawanna) will become members of leadership for the first time.

Farnese was elected Caucus Secretary and will manage gubernatorial appointments to various boards and agencies.

“It is a great honor to serve our caucus as a member of the leadership team,” Farnese said. “I look forward to working with my colleagues and becoming a strong voice in caucus deliberations.

“In my view, there is no reason that we cannot find common ground among disparate positions on critical issues.”

Yudichak will become Caucus Administrator, replacing Sen. Wayne Fontana.

“Senate Democrats can play a large role in being advocates for the new governor’s policies as we continue to pursue the adoption of many of the proposals that have been crafted by our caucus over the years,” Yudichak said. “A united leadership team working in concert with the new administration can change minds and provide a path forward for all citizens.”

Blake was appointed by the caucus as Democratic Vice Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee.

“In the next several years, Pennsylvania will have to manage extremely tight finances and dwindling resources,” Blake said. “We can use innovative approaches, new ideas and common sense to move us in a new direction.”

The leadership positions are effective Dec. 1.
