Senate Democratic Leaders Share Statement on Passing of FY24-25 Budget

Harrisburg, PA July 11, 2024 – Today, the Pennsylvania Senate and House passed a $47.59B dollar budget that makes significant investments in basic education, higher education, public safety, health and human services, and economic development.

Senator Jay Costa, Senate Democratic Leader, and Senator Vincent Hughes, Senate Democratic Appropriations Chair, said the following about Pennsylvania’s new budget:

“I am happy to report that today, we passed a budget bill, a school code, a tax code, and a fiscal code. Our discussions these past few weeks were very productive, and the Senate Democratic Caucus was proud to fight for a number of our priorities,” said Senator Costa. “This budget makes significant investments in the issues Pennsylvanians find important and impactful. We have invested over $1 billion new dollars into pre-k to 12 education funding, and a $900 million increase to address our education adequacy needs and basic education funding. In the space of economic development, there is over $45 million for new programs that support new jobs and businesses, including funding for the PA SITES program. We also got a $40 million increase for affordable housing through the PHARE Housing Program over 4 years. I am personally very proud that we doubled our investment in the Nonprofit Security Grant Program to a total of $10 million to protect the spaces in our communities that serve vulnerable groups. There is so much more to celebrate, and also much more work to do to deliver for every Pennsylvanian. I am so grateful for my colleagues and staff for getting this budget over the finish line.”  

“This budget makes a historic downpayment on our responsibility to fix Pennsylvania’s education funding system with an increase of over $1B for Pre-K to 12 education funding,” said Senator Hughes. “I along with a number of advocates, educators, and students have been in the fight to fix Pennsylvania’s unconstitutional education system for 10 years, and tonight we’re taking an important step forward to right that egregious wrong. Our work isn’t finished but this budget marks a significant milestone for Pennsylvania’s public education system.

I’m also proud to see the Commonwealth move forward with long overdue investments and reform for our higher education system. Democrats started leading on this issue in 2017 with our PA Promise plan and then requirements on higher ed transparency and accountability. We’ve finally got something across the finish line that will improve access and affordability for students and families, and ultimately improve our workforce. It’s gratifying to see the groundwork we started to lay 7 years ago with PA Promise result in a serious change for PA higher education.  

Overall, we’re delivering big increases for education, affordable housing, public safety, and a number of new investments in economic development initiatives. The investments we’re making in this budget will have a significant impact on opportunities and growth for Pennsylvanians across the Commonwealth. Of course, with a divided government, there’s more that Democrats will be fighting for as we make future appropriations, but we’ve made a solid stride forward with what we’ve passed today.”


Governor Shapiro Signs Act 53 of 2024, Senator Jay Costa’s LOOP Legislation, into Law

HARRISBURG, PAJuly 11, 2024 − Today, Governor Josh Shapiro signed SB 219, State Senator Jay Costa’s Longtime Owner Occupant Tax Exemption Program (LOOP), into law. Now Act 53 of 2024, this program will allow Pittsburgh’s mayor and city council to exempt or defer increases in property taxes for people who have lived in homes they own for a certain period of time in certain neighborhoods where the property values have skyrocketed.

“After years of advocacy and listening to the needs of Pittsburgh, I am so happy to be celebrating the signing of LOOP into law today,” said Democratic Leader Jay Costa. “I look forward to seeing the impact of Act 53 of 2024 in the City of Pittsburgh – making sure the people who built our communities can stay in their communities.”

Text of the legislation is accessible online here.

Learn more about the history of the LOOP Legislation at


Costa, Stefano Bill Allowing Community Service Alternatives to Driver’s License Suspension Passes Senate Committee

HARRISBURG June 26, 2024 – The Senate Transportation Committee voted today in favor of a bill sponsored by Sens. Pat Stefano (R-32) and Jay Costa (D-43) that would provide an alternative solution for Pennsylvania drivers who are unable to pay the fees of their suspended license: community service.

Senate Bill 1118 would allow for a magisterial district judge to determine if someone is financially unable to bear the costs of the fines/fees associated with a traffic offense and then instead assign community service as a payment alternative to an indefinite license suspension.

“Too often, young and economically disadvantaged drivers carry the burden of insurmountable amounts of debt, restricting their potential. Those individuals deserve a solution to retain their driver’s license so that they can continue to contribute to our communities,” said Stefano. “Providing this alternative for drivers to avoid a suspended license will not only empower those individuals to pursue employment or education opportunities but further enhance our workforce and aid the betterment of neighborhoods across the commonwealth.”

The bill would also allow those who currently have suspended licenses – due to violations of driving without a license, failure to appear in court or failure to pay fines – to be provided with the option of community service if a judge sees fit. The community service payment alternative could additionally apply to suspensions related to driving with a suspended license.

“I am delighted to be supporting this bill as we move the needle on justice for low-income drivers,” said Costa. “We know that members of our community who struggle financially rely on their cars to get to work, care for family, and manage day-to-day tasks. By allowing those drivers an alternate pathway for reinstituting their license, we are delivering a justice system that works for every Pennsylvanian. I look forward to getting this over the finish line.”

The bill now moves to the full Senate for consideration.


Senate Democratic Leaders, Jay Costa and Vincent Hughes, Issue Statement Affirming Caucus Commitment to Women’s Reproductive Freedom and Autonomy

Harrisburg − June 24, 2024 − Today, Senator Jay Costa, Senate Democratic Leader, and Senator Vincent Hughes, Senate Democratic Appropriations Chair, issued the following statements to recognize the second anniversary of the overturning of Roe v. Wade and Senate Democrats’ commitment to protect a woman’s right to make decisions about her own body and reproductive health in Pennsylvania.

Senator Costa explained, “Let me be as clear as I can: The PA Senate Democrats believe that every single person deserves the freedom to decide whether, when, and how to have a family. These deeply intimate decisions belong with the families and their care providers, not in committee meetings or legislators’ offices. I am proud to be lending my voice to this issue on this sad and solemn anniversary, and I look forward to continuing the fight for safe, accessible reproductive healthcare for every Pennsylvanian.”

Senator Hughes echoed his commitment to women’s freedom, “On this anniversary of the overturning of Roe v. Wade, we’re reminded that we cannot lose focus on defending and preserving the freedoms that have been established for generations in America. Our democracy is dependent on our participation- we must continue to advocate, vote, and work toward progress. While today is a solemn reminder of the terrible step back our country took two years ago, it’s important for everyone in Pennsylvania to know that PA Senate Democrats remain committed to protecting a woman’s right to make decisions about her body and reproductive health. We will continue to fight for women and the basic freedoms that were unjustly threatened by the Supreme Court, on this day two years ago.”

More information about the Pennsylvania Senate Democrats’ commitment to safe, affordable healthcare for every Pennsylvanian can be found online.


Senator Jay Costa Announces PHARE Funding Recipients in the 43rd District Totaling Over $5 Million

PITTSBURGH – June 13, 2024 – Today, State Senator Jay Costa announces $5,375,000 in funding from the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (PHFA) for Pennsylvania Housing Affordability and Rehabilitation Enhancement (PHARE) applicants. Money to fund this round of PHARE applications came from two sources: Marcellus Shale Impact Fees and Realty Transfer Taxes in funding for affordable housing projects in his district in Allegheny County. This funding comes from the 2022 Fiscal Year budget and utilizes ARPA funding to help fill the gaps in housing needs.

“I am a long-time partner in and admirer of the crucial work PHFA does in delivering funding necessary to ensure a safe, affordable home for every Pennsylvanian,” said Senator Costa. “The dollars announced today will go a long way in supporting first-time homebuyers, protecting low-income homeowners and tenants, and building affordable housing in the 43rd district. I look forward to seeing these investments come to fruition in our communities.”

Learn more about the PA Senate Democrats’ commitment to a safe, affordable home for every Pennsylvanian here.

The projects funded in the 43rd district are as follows:

Proposal Name:

Allegheny County’s Landlord-Tenant Alternative Dispute Resolution Program Expansion


Allegheny County Dept. of Human Services

Funding Reserved:

$300,000 PHARE/Marcellus Shale

Proposal Description: This proposal will support a multi-organization collaboration to expand the Alternative Dispute Resolution program in Allegheny County, increasing mediation access and stabilizing housing for a greater number of county residents. The process utilized allows mediation, resource navigation, and legal aid organizations to ensure that landlords and tenants are equipped to resolve their housing dispute sustainably, while also avoiding the costs and harms associated with an eviction filing.

Proposal Name:

City of Bridges CLT Buyer Initiated Grant Program


City of Bridges CLT

Funding Reserved:

$125,000 PHARE/Realty Transfer Tax

Proposal Description: This request will allow CBCLT to continue its successful Buyer Initiated Program, which to date has seen 71% of beneficiaries be people of color, and support CBCLT’s efforts to pilot the creation of an owner-initiated program to support long-time, low-income homeowners. These programs could create 9 permanently affordable homes for as little subsidy as $40,000 per home.


Proposal Name:

Growing and Maintaining Black Generational Housing Equity in Allegheny County


Catapult Greater Pittsburgh

Funding Reserved:

$250,000 PHARE/Realty Transfer Tax

Proposal Description: Catapult Greater Pittsburgh (CGP) will provide low- and moderate-income new homebuyers and existing low-income homeowners comprehensive trauma-informed financial education. We will have a specific focus on the Revitalizing Neighborhoods and Increasing Homeownership initiative. Additionally, Catapult will launch its Equity Protection Division which will include a Tangled Title Clinic and Home Repair program for existing low-income homeowners.


Proposal Name:

Second Avenue Commons Homelessness Assistance (SACHA)


Second Avenue Commons Inc.

Funding Reserved:

$200,000 PHARE/Realty Transfer Tax

Proposal Description: Second Avenue Commons (SAC) is requesting support from the PHARE program to expand its efforts to help individuals experiencing homelessness in Allegheny County find and sustain housing. The Second Avenue Commons Homelessness Assistance (SACHA) program specifically targets individuals who are preparing to move into permanent housing by providing financial support during a transitional period.


Proposal Name:

Urban League of Greater Pittsburgh


Urban League of Greater Pittsburgh

Funding Reserved:

$200,000 PHARE/Realty Transfer Tax

Proposal Description: Urban League of Greater Pittsburgh Homeownership Program will promote first time homebuyer education and sound financial management principles to provide increased access to asset building methodologies in underrepresented communities. By equipping individuals and families with the strategies needed to build generational wealth, we are empowering our constituents to move along the continuum of economic stability to become self-sufficient.


Proposal Name:

Anderson Estates


Concrete Rose Construction

Funding Reserved:

$125,000 PHARE/Realty Transfer Tax

Proposal Description: Anderson Estates will bring 6 new, affordable rental units (3 2 bedroom and 3 4 bedroom) to the historically Black neighborhood of Homewood in Pittsburgh. According to a 2011 University of Pittsburgh study, 44% of parcels in Homewood had no structure and 30% of properties with a residential address were unoccupied. We are excited to develop quality housing in a neighborhood that has suffered from decades of disinvestment.


Proposal Name:

Bausman Street Independent Living Improvement Project


ACTION-Housing, Inc.

Funding Reserved:

$250,000 PHARE/Realty Transfer Tax

Proposal Description: This project will significantly improve living conditions for low-income individuals with intellectual and/or physical disabilities. Improvements to two currently vacant units will bring them back online, allowing the property to gain financial stability and provide additional housing for some of Allegheny County’s most vulnerable residents. If funding allows, additional improvements will be made throughout the property that will increase energy efficiency and reduce operating costs.


Proposal Name:

Hazelwood Affordable Homeownership Program (Phase 5)


Hazelwood Initiative

Funding Reserved:

$250,000 PHARE/Realty Transfer Tax

Proposal Description: Hazelwood Initiative, Inc. will purchase and renovate six blighted single-family homes in Hazelwood and will sell them at affordable prices to low-to-moderate income households to advance its “Development without Displacement” strategy while preserving affordable housing in Hazelwood.


Proposal Name:

Bedford Dwellings Phase IIB


Trek Development

Funding Reserved:

$1,000,000 PHARE/Realty Transfer Tax

Proposal Description: The Bedford Dwellings Phase II project will be the third phase of the Bedford Dwellings Choice Neighborhood Implementation Grant, the redevelopment of Pittsburgh’s oldest public housing community. This development will utilize a twinning strategy, using both 9% and two 4% LIHTCs from PHFA. The full “Francis Street” development plan includes 180 units. This 4% Phase will be composed of 60 units containing 50 one- and 10 two-bedroom 62+ senior units in an elevator served apartment.


Proposal Name:

Bedford Dwellings Phase IIC


Trek Development

Funding Reserved:

$1,000,000 PHARE/Realty Transfer Tax

Proposal Description: The Bedford Dwellings Phase II project will be the third phase of the Bedford Dwellings Choice Neighborhood Implementation Grant, the redevelopment of Pittsburgh’s oldest public housing community. This development will utilize a twinning strategy, using both 9% and two 4% LIHTCs from PHFA. The full “Francis Street” development plan includes 180 units. This 4% Phase (Bedford Dwellings Phase IIC) will be composed of 50 units containing 25 one- and 25 two-bedroom in an elevator served apartment.


Proposal Name:

Chalfont Street Development


Beltzhoover Consensus Group

Funding Reserved:

$100,000 PHARE/Realty Transfer Tax

Proposal Description: This development plan identifies a prime redevelopment opportunity in the heart of Beltzhoover. Chalfont Street a highly visible neighborhood corridor on the bus line with a concentration of publicly owned vacant land could help facilitate development at a transformational scale. Chalfont redevelopment would build on the momentum of other projects in the neighborhood: the former Beltzhoover Elementary School conversion, and the construction of new single-family houses surrounding the school.


Proposal Name:

Family Healing Center Energy Efficiency Investments


ACTION-Housing, Inc.

Funding Reserved:

$200,000 PHARE/Realty Transfer Tax

Proposal Description: The Family Healing Center (FHC) is a first-of-its-kind addiction recovery facility where families with young children live together while the parent/caretaker receives therapy to overcome addiction. The FHC is housed in a 100+ year old building with significant energy deficiencies due to obsolete old windows and sandstone foundation deterioration. Our project will increase energy efficiency, extend the life of the building, and create a warmer, more inviting place for families to heal together.


Proposal Name:

Herron & Wylie Phase I


Communion LLC

Funding Reserved:

$200,000 PHARE/Realty Transfer Tax

Proposal Description: Herron & Wylie Phase I will redevelop two vacant lots in a distressed part of the Hill District. This development consists of the new construction of a 4-story building with 1,362 SF of commercial space on the ground floor and 6 affordable 1-bedroom apartments above. Through incremental development, Herron & Wylie will be converted into a new mixed-income, mixed-use building with ground floor amenities, retail space, and affordable housing.


Proposal Name:

Homeownership Program – Tioga St., Homewood


Habitat for Humanity of Greater Pittsburgh

Funding Reserved:

$100,000 PHARE/Realty Transfer Tax

Proposal Description: Habitat for Humanity of Greater Pittsburgh (Habitat Pittsburgh) will develop two single-family homes on Tioga St. in Homewood for sale to two low- to moderate-income families. Families complete 350 hours of sweat equity and financial literacy education courses and purchase their home through Habitat Pittsburgh’s signature 30-year, no-interest mortgage.


Proposal Name:

Homewood Rental Housing Rehabilitation


Pennsylvania Affordable Housing Corporation

Funding Reserved:

$200,000 PHARE/Realty Transfer Tax

Proposal Description: Pennsylvania Affordable Housing Corporation is planning the rehabilitation of 30 units of rental housing in the Homewood neighborhood of Pittsburgh. These units are currently vacant and scattered across six separate buildings. All tenants will be low-income (below 50 percent MAI) and hold Section 8 Vouchers. The units are mix of two- and three-bedroom units.

Proposal Name:

Ledlie St. Townhomes Phase I & 3426 Webster Ave.


Amani Christian Community Development Corporation

Funding Reserved:

$150,000 PHARE/Realty Transfer Tax

Proposal Description: The project consists of the Ledlie St. Townhomes Phase I development, the modular construction of two 3-bedroom, 1.5 bath townhomes in the Middle Hill District, and the full rehab of 3426 Webster Ave., a blighted property in the Upper Hill District. Both projects will increase the inventory of affordable housing in the Greater Hill District and serve as a catalyst for infill housing development to ensure that there are high-quality housing opportunities for Hill District residents.

Proposal Name:

Oakcliffe Infill


Oakland Planning & Development Corporation

Funding Reserved:

$150,000 PHARE/Realty Transfer Tax

Proposal Description: OPDC will construct 5 new high-quality permanently affordable family homes in the Oakcliffe section of Pittsburgh’s South Oakland neighborhood, transforming blighted lots that have sat empty for decades; offering stable housing and wealth building opportunities for low- and moderate-income homebuyers. Long-term affordability requires smart increases in residential density, so a key design innovation will allow homeowners to add accessory dwelling units on the first floor in the future.

Proposal Name:

Safe & Healthy Homes in the Hill District III


Rebuilding Together Pittsburgh

Funding Reserved:

$150,000 PHARE/Realty Transfer Tax

Proposal Description: Rebuilding Together Pittsburgh (RTP) is launching a project to repair and rehabilitate 10 owner-occupied homes in the Hill District, making a substantial contribution to ongoing revitalization efforts. Beyond physical repairs, RTP’s programs prioritize creating safe, healthy, and accessible homes, aligning with their mission to transform living conditions and enhance the overall well-being of the community.

Proposal Name:

Strengthening the Preventing Homelessness Program and the Path to Stability and Self-Sufficiency Initiative


Jubilee Association, Inc.

Funding Reserved:

$50,000 PHARE/Realty Transfer Tax

Proposal Description: Jubilee will use PHARE funds to expand our Preventing Homelessness & Path to Stability and Self-Sufficiency Initiatives to combat homelessness by preventing it in the first place, providing financial support to avoid evictions, prevent utilities from being turned off, & other life-altering crises. We will serve more families & individuals, helping to meet short-term financial needs & stabilize their longer-term economic stability, while working to meet their emotional needs and wellbeing.


Proposal Name:

WAVE Housing Counseling Services


Willissae’s Agency for Vision and Empowerment

Funding Reserved:

$100,000 PHARE/Realty Transfer Tax

Proposal Description: WAVE’s mission is to create housing and economic stability for at risk individuals in low-income communities through personal empowerment, skill set development, problem solving and wealth building. WAVE’s REPS program is unique and involves a mediation with the tenant and the landlord. As part of the agreement, tenants must agree to participate in life skills workshops. WAVE will pay monthly toward rent arrears for those who maintain current rent payments and attend life skills workshops.

Proposal Name:

WAVE Down Payment and Assistance Program


Willissae’s Agency for Vision and Empowerment

Funding Reserved:

$25,000 PHARE/Realty Transfer Tax

Proposal Description: As a part of the Revitalizing Neighborhoods and Increasing Homeownership (RNIH) program, WAVE will support ten (10) families through pre- and post-homeownership counseling and provide down payment assistance in zip codes 15147, 15206, 15208, and 15221.

Proposal Name:

Wilkinsburg Land Bank Residential Redevelopment Plan (WLBRRP), Phase 2, Main Thoroughfare Acquisition for Resale


Wilkinsburg Land Bank

Funding Reserved:

$250,000 PHARE/Realty Transfer Tax

Proposal Description: Wilkinsburg Land Bank Residential Redevelopment Plan (WLBRRP), Phase 2 will focus on acquiring blighted properties along many of the main roads connecting Wilkinsburg to neighboring communities: Penn Avenue, Ardmore Blvd, Wood St and Swissvale Ave. Phase 2 will allow the WLB to not only to create 43 new home-owners; it will also profoundly change the borough by converting these 43 blighted eyesores along some of the most visible and highly-travelled roads in Wilkinsburg into newly-loved homes.


Senate Democratic Leader Jay Costa, Senator Camera Bartolotta Introduce Legislation to Prevent Instances of Electric Shock Drowning

HARRISBURG, PAJune 11, 2024 – Today, State Senators Jay Costa and Camera Bartolotta circulated a co-sponsorship memo ahead of legislation to prevent Electric Shock Drowning (ESD). 

ESD has become the catch-all phrase that encompasses all in-water shock casualties and fatalities. ESD is usually the result of the passage of a low-level AC current through the body with sufficient force to cause skeletal-muscular paralysis, rendering the victim unable to help themself while immersed in fresh water, eventually resulting in the victim’s drowning.  

This legislation will require all boat docks and marina operations comply with the following:

  1. Provide appropriate main overcurrent protective devices or ground fault protection
  2. Provide an initial electrical inspection and then every five years thereafter.
  3. Install permanent safety signage notifying the public of electric shock hazards in water around boats, docks and marinas.

“I’m so glad to be opening a conversation around how we can prevent the tragedy of Electric Shock Drowning and ensure that everyone is safe in our waters,” said Senator Costa. “This bill will go a long way in ensuring that a beloved pastime does not end in a preventable catastrophe. I look forward to working with my colleagues in the House and Senate to raise this issue and deliver solutions to Pennsylvania’s boat docks and marinas.”  

“While we never want to lose a child, it becomes especially tragic when the loss was preventable,” Senator Bartolotta said. “As the typical ESD victim is a child swimming in or around a marina or dock where electricity is present, our legislation could prevent the loss of young lives.”

Learn more about Electric Shock Drowning here.

Learn more about the PA Senate Democrats’ commitment to safe communities for every Pennsylvanian here.  
