
Costa Bill on Public Health Emergencies Advances in the Senate

Costa Bill on Public Health Emergencies Advances in the Senate

Pittsburgh, Pa. − Mayo 22, 2018 − The Senate Health and Human Services Committee voted unanimously in support of Senate Bill 1001, Senate Democratic Leader Jay Costa, Jr.‘s legislation that will allow the Department of Health to declare public health emergencies. The...

Veto the Drug Formulary, Governor Wolf

Veto the Drug Formulary, Governor Wolf

Op-ed By Senator Jay Costa, Jr. & Rep. Frank Dermody

Sitting on Governor Tom Wolf’s desk right now is Senate Bill 936 – legislation that would interfere with the relationship between an injured worker and their doctor, as a way to save money for the insurance industry.

Senator Costa Announces New Historical Marker in Pittsburgh

Senator Costa Announces New Historical Marker in Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh, Pa. − Marzo 29, 2018 − Senate Democratic Leader Jay Costa, Jr. today announced the addition of an official Pennsylvania Historical Marker in Pittsburgh: film director Lois Weber. Lois Weber was the first American woman film director and a pioneer in...

Costa and Dermody Praise Wolf’s Fair Election Initiative

Costa and Dermody Praise Wolf’s Fair Election Initiative

HARRISBURG, Marzo 26, 2018 − Top Democrats in the House and Senate embraced Gov. Tom Wolf’s pledge of support for their ongoing efforts to reform the way political campaigns are paid for in Pennsylvania. “Our democratic form of government is designed to be...

Sen. Costa Remarks on Senate Domestic Violence Package

Sen. Costa Remarks on Senate Domestic Violence Package

Harrisburg – Marzo 21, 2018 – State Sen. Jay Costa (D-Allegheny) released the following statement on the domestic violence package that passed today in the senate: Earlier today, the Senate moved to prevent domestic violence and protect its victims.  Among these...

Senator Costa Releases Statement on Federal Redistricting Ruling

Senator Costa Releases Statement on Federal Redistricting Ruling

Harrisburg – Marzo 19, 2018 – State Sen. Jay Costa (D-Allegheny) released the following statement on today’s decision from the federal court on redistricting: I applaud the federal court for denying the Republican challenge to the new map. The map provided by the...