
Senator Costa comments on the tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut

Today we grieve with the families, friends and loved ones of those affected by the senseless and tragic school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. There are no words to comfort the heart and quiet the mind when horrific events like this befall the community, much less...

Senate Hearing in Erie Focuses on Faltering Human Services Safety Net

Erie Diciembre 13, 2012 — Erie area human services providers today told a state Senate panel that the availability, quality and reliability of crucial services to disabled people are diminishing in the face of dwindling state financial support and questionable bureaucratic decisions in Harrisburg.

Senator Costa Comments on Health Insurance Exchange Decision

Diciembre 12, 2012 — Senator Costa released the following statement today regarding Governor Corbett's decision to allow the federal government to operate Pennsylvania's health insurance exchange mandated by the federal healthcare law: "The decision by Governor Corbett...

Democratic Leaders Meet to Discuss Budget Priorities

Members of House and Senate leadership recently met with reporters to discuss our focus and priorities for the upcoming budget discussions. We outlined our concerns on issues affecting many Pennsylvania families. Our concerns included transportation, funding for basic...

Senator Jay Costa Applauds work of Child Protection Task Force

Senate Democratic Leader Jay Costa (D-Allegheny) issued the following statement in reaction to the report of the Task Force on Child Protection. The Task Force was created by resolution of the state Senate and House of Representatives:

“The Child Protection Task Force has put together an important document and a list of recommendations that will address issues that have been ignored for too long.

Costa Comments on PennDOT’s Ramp Metering and Closure Plan

As many of you are already aware, there has been a great deal of public discussion about PennDOT’s plans to close or meter many of the ramps along the Parkway East.  I have heard from so many of you who are concerned about this project for various reasons.  Please...

Senate Democrats Elect Leadership Team for 2013-14 Session

Harrisburg, Noviembre 14, 2012 – Members of the Pennsylvania Senate Democratic Caucus today elected leaders for the upcoming 2013-14 legislative session, with Sen. Jay Costa (D-Allegheny) reelected for a second term as Democratic Leader.

Honoring Our Veterans

Today we come together to honor our veterans -- those who have served, those still serving on our behalf at home and abroad and those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. Our veterans have helped to define who we are as a nation and what we stand for in the name of...

Costa Comments on Corbett Plan to Privatize Lottery Management

Harrisburg, Noviembre 9, 2012 – Statement from Senate Democratic Leader Jay Costa (D-Allegheny) regarding Gov. Corbett’s lottery privatization plan: “The Pennsylvania Lottery is an efficiently and effectively run agency that funds critical services that benefit...

Hurricane Sandy Afternoon Update

Harrisburg - Octubre 30, 2012 - (4:30 p.m.) In an afternoon conference call briefing, Robert Powelson, chairman of the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, and Glenn M. Cannon, director of the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency, outlined new developments...

Hurricane Sandy Update

Absentee ballot deadline extended in Pennsylvania as state recovers from this massive storm. Harrisburg — Octubre 30, 2012 – (9:20 a.m.) Gov. Tom Corbett provided additional details on how Pennsylvania is dealing with Hurricane Sandy earlier today at a briefing held...

Hurricane Sandy Impact, Important Contact Numbers, Information

Octubre 29, 2012 — (6 p.m.) Gov. Tom Corbett held briefing to update the status of Hurricane Sandy and its impact on Pennsylvania.  The governor said that the storm had 90 mile per hour winds and was making landfall in New Jersey and expected to move west.  The storm...

Costa Releases Statement on Passing of Sen. Arlen Specter

Harrisburg - Octubre 14, 2012 - State Sen. Jay Costa (D-Allegheny) the state Senate's Democratic Leader, issued the following statement on the death of Sen. Arlen Specter: "Whether it was on the local, state or national political scene, Senator Specter helped shape...

Sen. Costa Releases Statement on Voter ID Ruling

HARRISBURG, Octubre 2, 2012 - - Senate Democratic Leader Sen. Jay Costa (D-Allegheny) issued the following statement in reaction to today's decision by Commonwealth Court on the controversial voter ID law: "In my view, the court's decision is the correct one in...

Statement from Sen. Jay Costa on Supreme Court Voter ID Decision

Harrisburg – Septiembre 18, 2012 -- Senate Democratic Leader Sen. Jay Costa (D-Allegheny) today issued the following statement on the decision of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court to vacate the Commonwealth Court's ruling on the state’s controversial voter ID law. The...

Costa: Open a College Savings Account in Septiembre and Save Money

HARRISBURG, Septiembre 10, 2012 – State Sen. Jay Costa said families can save $50 by enrolling online in the college savings program operated by the state treasurer’s office in Septiembre. “From now through the end of Septiembre, the PA 529 GSP plan is offering free...

Costa Reacts to Commonwealth Court Decision on Voter ID Law

Harrisburg, Agosto 15, 2012 – State Senate Democratic Leader Sen. Jay Costa (D-Allegheny) issued the following statement in reaction to Commonwealth Court’s refusal to grant an injunction to halt the implementation of the voter ID law. The case is expected to be...

Costa Legislation Merged with Other Measures, Signed into Law

Harrisburg – Julio 24, 2012 – Two pieces of legislation dealing with criminal sentencing and changes to Pennsylvania’s tax law authored by state Sen. Jay Costa were merged into other legislation, passed by the General Assembly and signed into law. “I am pleased that...

Senate Democrats File Reapportionment Plan Appeal

Harrisburg, Julio 6, 2012 - State Senate Democratic Leader Jay Costa said that the Senate Democratic appeal of the Legislative Reapportionment Commission Final Plan was filed with the Supreme Court today. (View Sen. Costa's Statement) Costa, on behalf of his caucus, is...

Budget Plan Significant Departure from Corbett Approach Costa Says

Harrisburg - Junio 29, 2012 - The state Senate passed a revised $27.65 billion state budget today that includes a number of initiatives authored by Senate Democrats and $775 million more for key line items above Gov. Tom Corbett's proposed budget, state Sen. Jay Costa...

Sen. Costa Statement on Supreme Court Ruling on Affordable Care Act

HARRISBURG, Junio 28, 2012 — Senate Democratic Leader Jay Costa issued the following statement on the U.S. Supreme Court's landmark ruling to uphold the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: “The Supreme Court made the correct decision. The reform provides access...