Senators Costa & Fontana Congratulate Pittsburgh School District on $1.6 Million State Education Grant

Pittsburgh, Pa. − August 27, 2018 − Senators Jay Costa, Jr. and Wayne D. Fontana jointly congratulated the Pittsburgh School District on the award of $1.6 million from the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) to support school improvement.

“I want to not only congratulate but also thank the Pittsburgh School District for continuing to innovate the way they teach our students,” said Senator Costa. “A high-quality education that prepares students for a 21st century world is one of the most critical responsibilities of the state, and our local districts. Pittsburgh has risen to that challenge time and again, and our entire region is better for it.”

Thirteen schools in the Pittsburgh School District will receive funding in this round of grants. The grants are part of the second year of the System for District and School Improvement project at PDE, and the Pittsburgh School District was also included in the pilot program in its first year.

“This grant award is a testament to the improvements the Pittsburgh School District have implemented and to the ongoing effort to enhance the quality of education for our students and upgrades to school facilities,” said Senator Fontana. “I am proud of the commitment that has been made to further enrich the education of the students and am certain this success will continue.”   

In this school year, grant recipients include 101 schools in 16 school districts and four charter schools.

For more information about Pennsylvania’s education policies and programs, please visit the Department of Education’s website at


Senate Hearing in Pittsburgh Focuses on Mandated Drug Addiction Treatment

Pittsburgh, December 8, 2017 − At the request of state Senate Democratic Leader Jay Costa, the state Senate Democratic Policy Committee today held a hearing on Costa’s legislation that would enable families to seek court-ordered addiction treatment for their loved ones.

“As this opioid addiction epidemic worsens, it is imperative that we empower families to help loved ones in the throes of drug addiction to get the treatment they desperately need,” Costa said. “In many cases, this is a matter of life or death.”

The Allegheny County lawmaker has introduced Senate Bill 391, which would enable family members to petition the court to commit for drug addiction treatment someone who is an imminent danger to themselves or others. The proposed court-ordered treatment could only be considered if the addict has overdosed, is a suicide threat, has been unable to adequately care for themselves or is a threat to others.

Under the bill, families would petition the county authority for drug and alcohol programs.  If the judge agrees to file a warrant, the person would be examined within two hours to determine what type of treatment is recommended.  If medical experts believe treatment should be extended, the person being treated would be entitled to a hearing.

Sen. Lisa Boscola (D-Northampton/Lehigh), who chairs the committee, said, “court-approved treatment provides an additional resource for families that have been trying to tackle a very complex situation.  We are committed to working with stakeholders to add this tool to the proverbial toolbox without unintended negative consequences, and I commend Senator Costa for the due process legal safeguards in this bill.”

According to a joint University of Pittsburgh/DEA Philadelphia Division analysis, 4,642 Pennsylvanians died from drug abuse in 2016 – a 37 percent increase over the previous year.  There were 648 overdose deaths in Allegheny County, 102 in Beaver County, 74 in Butler County, 106 in Washington County, and 174 in Westmoreland County.

Statewide, opioids were identified in 85 percent of drug-related overdose deaths last year.

Tina Flowers and Don Holman provided powerful accounts of how their sons became addicts and died. In describing their frustration with the system and how it thwarted their attempts to get their boys the treatment they needed, both endorsed the Costa legislation and requested that such a court-ordered treatment process have no unnecessary delays.

Speaking to concerns about infringement on civil liberties, both parents noted that the alternative is too often death.

“My son died without his civil liberties being violated,” Holman said.

Dr. Dennis Daley, a professor at the University of Pittsburgh Department of Psychiatry, said, “While addiction is promoted as a ‘family disease,’ family members are seldom asked for their input or engaged in treatment. Promoting awareness of this often-forgotten population, and finding long-term solutions to help support vulnerable families, needs to occur at all levels; individual, societal and in the political spheres.”

Marc Cherna, who serves as deputy director of the Allegheny County Department of Human Services, called for additional state funding and other resources to help combat the drug epidemic.

Boscola said, “In my view, if we can’t make the tough choices to combat drug addiction, then we are simply resigning ourselves to more of the same – more crime, more addiction, and more loss of life.”.

Joining Boscola and Costa at the Duquesne University hearing were Senators Jim Brewster (D-McKeesport) and Wayne Fontana (D-Brookline).

In addition to Senate committee members, the following took part in the discussion

  • Jen Smith, acting secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs; 
  • Briana Mihok, Senior Policy Strategist, University of Pittsburgh Institute of Politics;
  • Dennis Daley, PhD, Professor, University of Pittsburgh Department of Psychiatry;
  • Tina Flowers and Don Holman, parent advocates;
  • Marc Cherna, director of the Allegheny County Department of Human Services;
  • Mark Sarneso, MS, Director of Central and Western Region, Gaudenzia Inc.
  • Stuart Fisk, CRNP, and Dr. Mitchell West, DO, MHA, Allegheny Health Network
  • Michael Consuelos, Senior Vice President for Clinical Integration, Hospital & Healthsystem Assoc. of PA;
  • Dr.  Michael Lynch, Professor of Emergency Medicine, UPMC, and director, Pittsburgh Poison Center;
  • Attorney Sara Rose, staff attorney, ACLU of PA; and
  • Rosa Davis, executive director, Pennsylvania Organization for Women in Early Recovery.

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Senate Democrats Hail Gov. Wolf’s Call for Testing of Young Children

Senate Democrats have been in the forefront of efforts to address exposure to lead

Harrisburg – Sept. 1, 2017 – State Sen. Vincent J. Hughes and Senate Democrats applauded Gov. Tom Wolf’s support of universal testing of children under the age of 2 to determine their risk of lead poisoning. 

The governor has urged the state Department of Health to work collaboratively with the General Assembly and community partners on crafting legislation to compel testing of children under the age of 2 for lead exposure. 

Hughes (D-Philadelphia), along with several Senate Democrats, including Sens. Wayne Fontana (D-Allegheny), Jay Costa (D-Allegheny) Judy Schwank (D-Berks), John Yudichak (D-Luzerne), Sharif Street (D-Philadelphia) and Art Haywood (D-Philadelphia) have been leaders in the effort to combat lead poisoning. 

Senate Democrats have offered a comprehensive legislative package to help children, day care centers and home buyers deal with the threat of lead poisoning.  Senate Resolution 33, which called for a task force to study lead exposure, was approved by the Senate in early June. 

“The governor’s call for universal lead testing of children under the age of 2 is a huge step forward,” Hughes said.  “Finding out the depth of the problem will enable us to better design a more effective strategy to deal with lead and help prevent problems associated with lead.”

According to the Department of Health, 28 percent of children in Pennsylvania under 2 years of age were tested for lead in 2015.  Several years ago, lead seeping into Flint, Michigan’s public water system caused a devastating health crisis and spurred governments to examine the levels of lead exposure. Eighteen Pennsylvania cities tested higher than Flint for elevated blood lead levels.

Senate Democrats first introduced a comprehensive package of measures dealing with lead in 2016 following the Flint crisis.  The legislative package included five bills that would establish a task force to study the issue and account for the age of the state’s housing stock, pipelines and school buildings; require school buildings to be tested for lead; require the licensing of lead testing centers; require property sales agreements to include an option for water testing for lead; and create a “Superfund for Lead Abatement” that would help pay lead remediation costs.  

“We can do better and protect children and families from lead poisoning,” Hughes said.  “The governor’s support is key to our success in addressing lead in our communities, homes and schools.

“My Senate Democratic colleagues and I are ready to move aggressively on legislation that gets to the root cause of the problem.”

Information about the incidence of lead exposure would enable families to access available services, Hughes said.

In December 2016, Hughes announced that $125,000 in state grant dollars were available to help Philadelphia deal with lead issues. 



Senate Democrats, Pittsburgh Mayor Advance Efforts on Climate Change Despite Trump

Harrisburg – June 13, 2017 –  Committed to positioning Pennsylvania as a leader in the battle against global climate change, Sens. Jay Costa (D-Allegheny), Wayne Fontana (D-Allegheny) and Anthony Williams (D-Philadelphia/Delaware), along with Pittsburgh Mayor William Peduto today outlined legislation to support the continuation of the Obama Clean Power Plan.

“The recent actions of President Trump to dismiss the realities of climate change and abandon the Paris climate accord will be felt from Pennsylvania to Paris,” Costa said.  “We have a moral and ethical responsibility as elected officials to do the right thing, at the right time for the right reasons. 

“Ensuring a healthy future for our children IS the right reason — and the time is now.”


Legislation being introduced by Costa, Fontana and Williams would ensure that Pennsylvania continue to fulfill its responsibility in fighting global climate change, meet commitments under the Paris climate accord and attains the goals set forth in the Obama Clean Power Plan.

Under the Clean Power Plan, Pennsylvania was required to reduce its emissions by 29 million tons, or 24 percent below 2012 levels by 2030.  Pennsylvania is well-positioned to meet this target given its current transition from coal generation and growing investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency.

The legislation would require the state Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to revisit the plan it was pursuing just months ago for submission to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).  Rather than submit the plan to the EPA, the bill would require the DEP to submit it to the General Assembly for final approval and subsequent implementation statewide.

Fontana again called on the president to reconsider his decision and the impact it will have for generations to come, after using Pittsburgh as an example in his announcement to leave the Paris accord.

 “Again, I urge President Trump to visit Pittsburgh and meet with city and business leaders to get a better understanding of our city’s transformation from a gritty industrial town to a thriving and economically diverse metropolis,” Fontana said. “They can also explain to him how the Paris Agreement would strengthen Pittsburgh, our region and our country.”

Williams said that the president’s decision to leave the Paris agreement will have significant local impact. 

“The Paris climate accord should not be a partisan issue and removing the United States from the agreement was a mistake,” Williams said.  “The impact of this decision has significant local impact.  Children in the city and suburbs, those with asthma and other breathing disorders, low income families and others will be deeply affected because of the change in the climate. 

“We need a singular voice and vision on climate change because it is real and it has such a wide reach. Given the decision on the federal level, Pennsylvania lawmakers have little choice but to move forward on their own and fix the problem.”

Following the president’s decision, mayors from across the nation, including Pittsburgh Mayor William Peduto joined forces and redoubled their collective efforts to combat climate change.

“Pittsburgh — and Pennsylvania — need to keep being leaders in fighting climate change, despite poor decision-making by the President. I want to thank Senators Costa, Fontana and Williams for their commitment to our planet, and to future generations of Pennsylvanians.”


Costa, Fontana React to Trump Paris Accord Decision; Redouble Efforts in Pa

Harrisburg – June 3, 2017 Stunned at President Donald J. Trump’s dismissal of climate change and abandonment of the Paris climate accord, Senators Jay Costa (D-Allegheny) and Wayne Fontana (D-Allegheny) today stated their intentions to position Pennsylvania to lead by example, absent federal leadership on environmental protection.

“Like you, Mr. President, I too was elected to represent the people of Pittsburgh – but I’m going to stick to my word.  In the absence of federal leadership, I’m going to take steps to ensure a future for our children, providing an environment where people can grow, thrive and live healthy lives with an expectation that the water they’re drinking and the air they’re breathing is clean and safe.

“Pittsburgh has reinvented itself from the smoky city it once was to a modern, high-tech economy that treasures its clean environment. I refuse to idly sit back and be a spectator to this ill-conceived, short-sighted decision to turn back the dial on global progress.  This decision needs to be seen for exactly what it is – an attack on humanity and future generations. It’s wrong and counterproductive.”

In response to the president’s announcement, Costa plans to introduce legislation to keep Pa on a steady path in the battle against climate change, requiring the state Department of Environmental Protection to adopt the requirements set forth in the Obama Clean Power Plan.  Finalized during the Obama Administration, the plan was designed by the EPA to reduce greenhouse emissions by 32 percent below 2005 levels by 2030.

Under the plan, states were given individual targets, with Pa directed to reduce emissions by 29 million tons by 2030.  Based on Pa’s transition from fossil fuels, plus its turn to natural gas production, investment in renewable energy and energy efficiency, the state is well positioned to meet the assigned target.

Costa’s legislation and focus on adopting the requirements of the Obama Clean Power Plan will extend beyond simply protecting the environment.  It will recognize the potential of the plan to help grow jobs and build the economy.

“What the president failed to acknowledge while trying to make an example of Pittsburgh is that we are, along with the entire western region, a primary source of energy resources. From coal, to gas, nuclear, hydro and wind, there are benefits beyond measure of pursuing the entire portfolio of existing and renewable energy sources.

“I question why the president would want to stand in the way of progress and put the lives of Americans, especially our children at risk. That would seem in direct conflict with making America great again.”

Sen. Wayne Fontana (D-Allegheny) added, “With the dubious exception of Syria and Nicaragua, all the nations of the world have joined together to do something about climate change. It’s sad and embarrassing that our nation is abandoning this worthy effort – and that our president used Pittsburgh as his example for why he made such a profoundly wrong decision.”
