Senior Fair

Greek Orthodox Social Hall 12 Washington Avenue, Oakmont, United States

State Representative Joe McAndrew and I are very pleased to once again to host our annual Senior Fair on October 10 at 10 AM! Once again, our event will take […]

Election Information Town Hall

Virtual Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Mark your calendars: On October 16 at 2 PM, you can tune into our FREE Election Town Hall with Secretary of State Al Schmidt! You can attend online at […]

Luncheon to Honor Our Veterans

Wilkins Township Volunteer Fire Company #3 109 Powell Street, East Pittsburgh

You are cordially invited to a luncheon to honor our veterans for their contribution and sacrifice.

If you have served our country, please join us at Wilkins Township Volunteer Fire Company #3 (109 Powell Street East Pittsburgh) at noon on November 8.

Please RSVP by November 1 to Senator Costa's office at 412-578-8457.

Webinar: Saving the Affordable Care Act

Virtual Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Thursday, February 13, I will be joining Representative Arvind Venkat for a webinar about the importance of defending the Affordable Care Act in Pennsylvania.

With so much uncertainty at the federal level, we want to make sure you are equipped with the facts of the ACA and learn what’s being done on both the state and federal level to ensure that affordable, accessible care is available to every Pennsylvanian.

Watch live stream here on Thursday at 1 PM!