
El dolor es real: es hora de invertir en las personas

Sabemos que demasiadas personas están sufriendo económicamente. Sabemos que tenemos que tomar medidas para ayudarles a hacer frente a los precios inflacionistas. Es hora de poner a las personas por encima de los beneficios y los demócratas del Senado quieren proporcionar recursos para ayudar. Esa es nuestra misión. Eso es por lo que estamos luchando en Harrisburg.

Senate Democrats Call for Vote on PA Red Flag Law, GOP Votes No

Senate Democrats Call for Vote on PA Red Flag Law, GOP Votes No

Harrisburg, PA – Junio 13, 2022 – Today, Pennsylvania Senate Democrats made a motion for the Senate to vote on a Discharge Resolution that would move Senate Bill 134 out of committee and to the floor of the Senate for a full vote during session. State Senate...

Senate Democrats Statement on Gun Violence Discharge Resolutions

Senate Democrats Statement on Gun Violence Discharge Resolutions

Harrisburg, PA – Junio 7, 2022 – Today, Pennsylvania Senate Democrats filed six discharge resolutions in an effort to move anti-gun violence and reform legislation to the floor of the State Senate for a vote. While Senate Republicans have moved bills that would make...

Senators Push Bi-Partisan Juvenile Justice Reforms

Senators Push Bi-Partisan Juvenile Justice Reforms

HARRISBURG – Mayo 12, 2022 – Legislation to strengthen Pennsylvania’s juvenile justice system is set for action according to Senator Lisa Baker (R-20), Senator Steve Santarsiero (D-10) and Senator Jay Costa (D-43), who have been working to implement reforms needed to...

Senator Costa Announces $4 Million for Swissvale

Senator Costa Announces $4 Million for Swissvale

Pittsburgh, Pa. −  Abril 22, 2022 − Senator Jay Costa today announced the award of $4 million in state grants for projects in Swissvale. “Public services in Swissvale are going to see major upgrades in the coming months thanks to these grants we secured today,”...

Senator Costa Applauds Supreme Court Decision on LRC Maps

Senator Costa Applauds Supreme Court Decision on LRC Maps

Harrisburg, PA - Marzo 16, 2022 - Today, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court upheld the bipartisan maps for state legislative districts drawn by the Legislative Redistricting Commission and scheduled the petition period for the Mayo primary; the maps that passed the...